Making Adjustments to Schedule Record Entry Date

Revised 4/10/2018


Many state reports depend on the entry dates of each course. For this reason, SDS has made it possible to make adjustments to a schedule record entry date in Scheduling|Schedule Changes when needed. 

The entry date on schedule records will reflect the date that the schedule record was created. However, if you need to have a different entry date, follow the directions below. 

New Schedule Record

If you are entering a new schedule record, make sure to indicate the appropriate entry date in the box titled “Entry date”, and then add the course(s).

 Existing Schedule Record

If schedule records were entered with an incorrect entry date, follow the steps below to correct the entry date.

1.  Check mark the schedule record(s) with the incorrect Entry Date.

2.  Enter the correct Entry Date in the Entry Date box.

3.  Click the  to update the Entry Date on the selected records. 


The Entry Date is updated on the selected records.