Meal Counts

The meal count area allows for the daily entry of the number of students in your classes who will participate in the school lunch program. The office must have the meal count calendar and meal items set up before you can use this area.

Click on the “Entry Options” button on the left and click on Meal Counts.

Enter Your Meal Counts
The date defaults to today’s date on the calendar. The menu for the day is displayed on the right side of the calendar.

Type the number of students who have selected each meal choice. The Group Description, Item Description and Price listed below are set up through the main office.

Click on the toolbar button to save your work and continue working, or click the button & Close to save your work and close the window.

Edit a Meal Count
Click the Meal Counts button.
Re-type the counts for the meal items of the day.
Click to Save & Close.
Note: A teacher should only edit today’s count if it is administrative policy to do so. Always check with the office before editing your entries.

LOG OFF button
This closes the Meal Count window. This button does NOT save your data entry.

This button saves your data entry and closes the meal count entry window.

This button saves your data entry but leaves the meal count entry window open.

This menu offers you two sources of assistance.

View Help
This option opens a new window to our Help Console where you can search for help on topics of interest

This option opens a new window to our company’s web site

Other Uses for Meal Count
The meal count area can be used for other purposes as well. Here are two suggestions.

Homecoming court:
It is homecoming week and the students will be voting on the homecoming court. The office can set up the counting system through the meal count area. Each contestant can be set up as a “meal item”. On the given voting day, each contestant will be listed on your screen, and teachers can take a vote in their classrooms and enter tallies into the system. The office can then run a report to determine the outcome of the voting.

Teacher vote:
Use the meal count area to take a vote among the teachers. For example, the office can set up an option for “casual Friday.” Each teacher can enter a “Yes” or “No” vote for casual Friday by entering a ‘1’ in the field next to the desired response. The office can then run a report to display the result of the voting.