MSDS Early Childhood Report

Revised 11/28/2018


First Steps:

     Get the latest Web School Office build and the Control Center update.

     Run a full evaluation (u22_evct.exe) from the SDS control center.

     This process will create new MSDS fields in your database, sdsxplan.mdb.

     The below fields will now be available for data entry in Demographics_SR_1. If any of these fields were already in Demographics, the evaluation program copied the data from Demographics to the new field in Demographics_SR_1. The report has matched field SRSD_UIC from DEMOGRAPHICS. If you do not have this field in demographics, you can change the match to the appropriate field/table.

The fields entered to the Services table relate to the Early Childhood Programs. The evaluation has also added the appropriate program codes to the SDS database if needed.

These are:

Students in these programs must be entered into SDS through the Student Services Data Entry screen.

Instructions for Creating the Early Childhood Report
Enter WSO |Select Processing Options |State and Federal reporting |MSDS Early Childhood |XML Format.

The top of the screen should look the below screen shot:

Most of the report fields have been matched for you to SDS fields. Report fields 1, 2, 9 and 10 needs to be matched to default values. Use this screen as a guideline.

Make any changes to the matched fields and then press “Create Export File”.

Note: Some report fields (those with ‘M’ in the Field in Use column) are matched to multiple SDS fields. If you need to change the preset matches for these fields, there is a new check box, “Combine Fields”, in Step 3. When this is checked, you can select each field, one at a time, and click the yellow marker to match after each selection.


     Select “XML” in the drop box for “File Export Format.

     If you want to submit current year students:

Click and set a sort.

Click the icon to Create Export File.

To the right of the second drop box in the very top line, a piece of paper should appear.

§ ­If it does not, leave this screen and then return to it.

Click the piece of paper icon to show your files previously created for submission.

When the file is displayed, select the output file that was just created.

Right mouse click on the yellow folder of the file created and “Save Target As”.

     Name the report appropriately.

For a district submission: The file name should start with “D” followed by the ISD/ESA number, followed by the district number.

§ SDS does not provide the number; the District/Building should know their numbers.

For a building submission: The file name should start with “B” followed by the ISD/ESA number, followed by the building number.

§ SDS does not provide the number; the District/Building should know their numbers.

     Save the file to your desktop.

     Submit the file to the state through the state web site.

The first six fields of the report are MANDATORY and data must be entered for each student in the matched SDS field. The rest of the fields are OPTIONAL but all data submitted should follow the Business Rules posted on the CEPI website for this report. Check all date fields for accuracy and make sure that name fields include only state allowed punctuation (period, comma, apostrophe and hyphen).