Next Year Course Codes


Basic Fields

Access WSO |Scheduling |Master File and Code Entry and Changes |Application = Scheduling (Next Year) |Entry Options = Course Codes Next Year-Basic Fields.


Field Name



Up to 10 characters – alpha or numeric.

A unique number for each course offering. 

Separate semester courses (different curriculum each semester) must have two separate and unique course numbers.

Example:   101A -English 1 – First Semester

                    101B-English 1 – Second Semester


Up to 30 characters.

Enter the course title associated with course code.  Remember the course title will print on schedules, report cards and transcript reports.

School Location

Select the appropriate school location from the drop down for the selected Course Code.


All Fields

Access WSO |Scheduling |Master File and Code Entry and Changes |Application = Scheduling (Next Year) |Entry Options = Course Codes Next Year All Fields


Field Name



Up to 10 characters – alpha or numeric.

A unique number for each course offering. 

Separate semester courses (different curriculum each semester) must have two separate and unique course numbers.

Example:   101A -English 1 – First Semester

                101B-English 1 – Second Semester.


Up to 30 characters.

Enter the course title associated with course code.  Remember the course title will print on schedules, report cards and transcript reports.

Section_Capacity (# needed to make a section)

The value entered in the Section_Capacity field should reflect the ideal class size for one section of a course offering.  This number is used to determine how many sections are needed to accommodate the number of students registered for a specific Course_Number. 

Note:  Section capacity is not for minimum or maximum number of students needed to offer a course.

How the system Calculates Sections:

Number of students registered divided by the Section_Capacity = number of sections needed.

          Be sure to coordinate this number with the ‘Maximum Number of students’ field.

Generally the ‘Section_Capacity’ number is less than the ‘Maximum Number of students” that can be accommodated.  This is to allow for last minute enrollees.                

          For example, if 90 students register for a class (with a ‘section capacity’ of 30, and ‘Maximum Number of students’ at 30), three (3) sections will be created and completely filled.  If five (5) new students show up the first day of school, there will be no seats available in this course.

          Be mindful of another negative situation:  If the ‘Section_Capacity’ is set to 50 and the ‘Maximum Number of students’ is set to 30 for these same 90 students.  The system will divide the 90 students by 50 and determine that only 2 sections are needed.  When the scheduler goes to assign the students, it reaches the maximum of 30 per section and is left with 30 kids with no available seats.   As opposed to the “ideal” entered in Section Capacity, this is reality.  The number entered will be the number of students assigned to the section(s) before it is considered “full.”  Once full, no more students will be assigned and if no other sections are available, the student will be rejected.  Often this will be the same for each section.  When the course section is assigned the maximum number of students, no more students will be allowed into the section.

          Some schools need to have different maximums for different sections of the same course, perhaps because of where the class section is held (one room can hold 34 students, but another room can only hold 25 students).  In this case, select the number needed for most sections.  Then after the course master is built, before starting the assignment phase, change the maximum seats field on the course master for those sections where the maximum is different.


The recommend number of sections to offer for a course. This number is based on the Ideal Section Capacity and the number of students registered for the course.

How the system Calculates Sections:

Number of students registered divided by the Section_Capacity = number of sections needed.

Dept Curr Code

Used for Web Registration through Parent Connect.  Course codes must have a Dept/Curr Code

assigned (i.e. M = Math).  If these codes are not setup, the Student/Parents will see an empty

space when they click on the drop down for course selection.  Also used in Mass Registration to

filter NY Course Code list by subject area.

Scan Codes

Used for Web Registration through Parent Connect.  The scan code identifies the available

grade level/s for each course. Courses may be available with multiple grade levels identified. Enter a value of 1 for Freshmen, 2 for Sophomore, etc.

School Location

Select the appropriate school location from the drop down for the selected Course Code.






Marking_Periods_Covered (MPC)




Final_Grade_Marking_Period (FGMP)

These three fields (Semester Options, Marking Periods Covered, and Final Grade Marking Period) are used in conjunction with each other when building the course master.

Keep in mind that this explanation is not talking about the number of sections that will be created for each course, but rather what type of sections will be created.



Schools with 2 Semesters

       SO                MPC       FGMP          Result in Course Master

        1                    12              2              One course for semester 1

        2                    34              4              One course for semester 2

       12                 1234          24             Two courses, one each for semesters 1 & 2  

                                                                 (same curriculum in each section)

        3                  1234          24             One course for full year


Schools with 3 Semesters

       SO                 MPC       FGMP          Result in Course Master

        1                     12              2              One course for semester 1

        2                     34              4              One course for semester 2

        3                     56              6              One course for semester 3

      123               123456        246          Three courses, one each for semesters 1, 2 & 3

                                                                 (same curriculum in each section)

       4                   123456       246          One course for full year


Schools with 4 Semesters

       SO                  MPC       FGMP          Result in Course Master

        1                     1                1               One course for semester 1

        2                     2                2               One course for semester 2

        3                     3                3               One course for semester 3

        4                     4                4               One course for semester 4

      1234             1234           1234            Four courses, one each for semesters 1, 2, 3 & 4

                                                                (same curriculum in each section)

         5                 1234       1234            One course for the full year


Note:  the number of terms in the Final_Grade_Marking_Period field must be the same or greater than the number of terms in the Semester_Option field.

Descriptive Code

16 Character spaces.

School Year

Enter the appropriate school year for the course offering.  (E.g. 2009-2010)

Schedule Priority

Assign a number from 0 to 9.  The lower the number, the higher the scheduling priority.  This is considered on a student by student basis.  Entering a schedule priority number will not give one student priority over another when making class assignments.  The reject matrix will give the best scheduling pass regardless of the priority set.

Short Description


Special course Considerations

10 character spaces.

Texas PEIMS only.  Refer to state manual.

Prerequisite Course Number

NOTE:  This will not take in to consideration the courses taken in past years. The “Prerequisite Course Number” field is used for assigning the order of the current requested classes during the student assignment phase.  It is used for semester classes only and will not apply to courses defined as full year courses.


Enter the course number that must be scheduled in the semester preceding this course if both numbers are requested.  Example: A student requesting both Photography 1 and Photography 2 must take Photography 1 before Photography 2.  If one or both of these courses is offered both semesters, enter the course number for Photography 1 on the record for Photography 2.  The scheduler will then schedule Photography 1 into the semester before Photography 2 within the same school year.

Contact Hrs.

Voc Ed courses only.

Texas PEIMS only.  Refer to state manual.

Local Credit YN

This is a Yes/No answer.  Enter “Y” if Local Credit is given.  Enter “N” if not.

Texas PEIMS only.  Refer to state manual.

Maximum Seats

The maximum number of seats in the classroom.

Day Codes

Use this field to define day patterns.  Valid entries are the numbers 1 through 6 only.

If all classes meet every day, there is only one pattern, use 1 on all courses.  Note: This is not intended to be a representation of Monday thru Sunday but rather a course rotation.

Teacher Code

Select the teacher from the drop down if only one teacher teaches all sections of this course. 

Room Number

Enter the Room Number if only one room is used for all sections of this course. 


This is a Yes/No answer.  Enter “Y” if grades are given in this course.  Enter “N” if not.

Marking Periods covered

Enter the marking periods that grades will be issued.  For example, a first semester course for a school on the quarter/semester system would have “12” entered in this field for quarter 1 and quarter 2 grades.  Note: No spaces, dashes or commas should be used between the 1 & 2 to designate quarters 1 and 2.

Final Grade Marking Period

Enter the marking periods that the FINAL grade will be issued.  In the above example, a “2” would be entered because the final grade is issued in the second marking period.

Credits for Grad

Enter the credit toward graduation assigned to this class. The system will look at how many Final Grade Marking periods there are and divide this value between them.

Credits for GPA

Enter the credits for GPA assigned to this class.  The system will look at how many Final Grade Marking periods there are and divide this value between them.

GPA Weight Code

Enter the weight number from the grade codes setup for this class. This data may be transferred to the transcript.

GPA Calc

This is a Yes/No answer.  Enter “Y” if this is included in GPA calculations.  Enter “N” if not.

Course Type Code

(4 separate fields)

Enter the appropriate subject area code.  This information is used for the Graduation Requirement reports.  This data may also be transferred to the student history to print on the transcripts.

Course Fee

Optional.  Enter course fee associated with course.  Information will print on the standard student schedule.  This fee is not transferred to the Fee Processing module.

Book Fee

Optional.  Enter book fee associated with course.  Information will print on the standard student schedule.  This fee is not transferred to the Fee Processing module.

Duration Total

For schools entering Period Attendance by minutes, enter the Number of minutes for the duration of the class.  NOTES:  These schools should also fill in the Beg_Time and End_Time fields in the Next Year Course Master (All Fields) screen. 

Study Hall

This is a Yes/No answer.  Enter “Y” if course number is associated with a study hall.  Enter “N” if not.

Include Study Hall Gr_ Yr

If the course number is associated with a specific grade level or levels and not others, enter the grade level/s to apply for this study hall.  If appropriate for more than one grade level enter the grade levels separated by a comma.  (e.g. – 09, 10)

Link Course

1 – 15 Fields


1.  There are a total of 15 fields that may be used to link courses together.

2.  Courses are linked only one way. 

3.  Do not attempt to type the linked course in the field, but rather select it from the drop down list of course offerings.

4.  Students are only registered for the primary course code.  Do not register them for the courses listed in the “Link_Course” fields.

5.  If links are entered in this field, the student is registered for the “primary/lead” course and the linked course will print on the Registration Confirmation.

6.  During the schedule run the system will pick up all linked courses.

The “link” option is used when students are to remain together from one course section to another.  Select the primary course (for example, 1st semester of Algebra 1.  All students in 1st semester Algebra 1 should be in 2nd semester of Algebra 1).  After selecting the 1st semester course number for Algebra 1 then select the 2nd semester course number from the drop down list.

Role ID C021


Days of Week C027


Weeks of Month C039


Population Served C030


Instruct Setting C035


Multi Service C020


Cooperative Voc Ed YN


Sequence Code C135

Enter Y in this field for any courses taken prior to high school that you wish to retain on high school transcripts when the year-end process to inactivate transcripts is run.  When that process is run, all of the courses from the selected grade level and school year will be inactivated except the ones that have the Y in the Sequence Code C135 field.

Grade Book 1


Grade Level Assignment Code

Optional.  Enter grade level if this course is to be offered only to a specific grade level. This field should be completed with the appropriate grade level for the course for schools using the Elementary Scheduler to create course master and student schedules. 

State Rpt YN





1-9 Fields


Distance Learning Indicator Code C167


Misc 10


Dual Credit Indicator Code C088


Course Narrative

Used for Web Registration through Parent Connect.  Enter a brief description about the course for parents to review.