Next Year Mass Registration by Student

Revised 4/23/2018


The Mass Registration tool can be used to register selected student(s) as a group for multiple courses.  This area is especially helpful to middle school and junior high schools that register groups of students for multiple courses.

In order to be able to mass register students by course or by student, you must activate the mass registration feature.  For instructions to activate this feature,

Access WSO |Scheduling |Next Year Mass Registration |Mass Registration by Student

In the Grade Year drop box, choose the students’ grade year based on the next year grade year field value.  Select a school location from the school location drop box.  This is based on the next year school location field value.  Optionally choose a homeroom or another field (such as sex, IEP, or one of your other specialized demographic fields).  By using any or all of these selection boxes, you limit the students that will be available for registration.

To narrow your student search by multiple demographics fields, use the other field box to select the field, choose the desired value (i.e. Sex=M). If the "concatenate search" box is checked, you may choose another demographic field (i.e. counselor) and the desired value (i.e. Mr. Jones). These selections result in the display of males assigned to the counselor Mr. Jones in the selected grade year and school location.

You can create your own selection in the large white box below the “Other Field” box. Type an SQL statement like Grade_Year=’03’ OR Grade_Year=’04’ to include students in grade_year 03 or 04.

When finished with student selection boxes, click the binoculars next to the student id/name box. The students who meet the criteria defined will display in the large box on the left.

If you have done the setup for the dept curr codes and scan codes, choose a subject area (i.e. Math). Type in the scan codes you want (1=Freshmen, 2=Sophomore, 3=Junior, 4=Senior). Click the binoculars next to the course number box and the math courses for the “level(s)” selected in the scan codes will display in the large box on the right.

Put a check mark to the student(s) you want to register for the course(s) you are about to select. Use the to quickly select ALL displayed students.

Put a check mark next to the course(s) you want to use when registering students. Click on the left arrow move the course(s) to the center box. Now all students that were checked in the left box are registered for the course you moved into the center box.

Repeat as needed by selecting other students or courses.

The arrow buttons above the center box allow you to “scroll” through the students and see what courses are on that student’s registration.  You can edit the courses in the middle box for individual students, if desired.  For example, if you registered all 8th graders for Math, Science, Social Studies, and Reading, but Johnny Smith will be taking Pre-Algebra instead of Math, with Johnny displayed in the center column, his Math class and click the between the center and right hand boxes to remove Math from Johnny's registration.  In the right hand box, select the Pre-Algebra course code, and click the between the center box and right hand box to add Pre-Algebra to Johnny's registrations.