NSF Checks

Revised 9/18/2018


NSF Check: Charge Definition

If a payment was made by check and the check is returned for insufficient funds, this section will assist you with how to reverse the amounts paid by the check.

The first step is to create a Fee Code to record the insufficient funds transaction.

Add Fee Code

Enter WSO |Tuition/Fee Processing |Charge Definition

1.  To add a new code, click http://help.schooloffice.com/helpconsole/SDSStudentHelp/images/Plus_Sign.png .

2.  Fill in the fields as listed below.

Fee Code: Enter an appropriate code, i.e. NSF.

Amount: 0.

Refund: 0.

Description: Enter a description, i.e. NSF Check.

Assign: Enter NO.

Fee Type: A dropdown box will provide Charge Type Codes that were entered into the system.  Select the appropriate code.

Department: A dropdown box will provide Department Codes that were entered into the system.  Select the appropriate code.

Location: Enter ALL.

Acct AR, Acct Cash, and Acct Inc: These fields should only be completed if the SDS finance package is being utilized.

§ Enter the receivable account to be debited by this fee.

§ Enter the cash account to be credited by this fee. DO NOT USE AN INCOME ACCOUNT IF THIS IS USED.

3.  Click http://help.schooloffice.com/helpconsole/SDSStudentHelp/images/SaveIcon.png to save.

The next step is to add the charge to the student.

Add Charge to Student

Enter WSO |Tuition/Fee Processing |Adjustments and Payments

1.  Locate the student (enter either id number, name or find the student in the list).

2.  Click http://help.schooloffice.com/helpconsole/SDSStudentHelp/images/Plus_Sign.png to add a new charge.

Batch Number: Leave it as it is.

Date: Enter the date.

Fee Code: Select the NSF fee code from the dropdown.

Amount: Enter the amount of the check.

Description: Enter a description of what the NSF charge is about. For example: NSF returned check #12345.

Fee Type: Will auto-fill based on the fee code as set above.

Department: Will auto-fill based on the fee code as set above.

Acct AR, Acct Cash, and Acct Inc: Will auto-fill based on the fee code as set above.

3.  Click http://help.schooloffice.com/helpconsole/SDSStudentHelp/images/SaveIcon.pngto save.