Revised: 4/2022

This is a nutrition reimbursement program.  The P-EBT program was created as part of the U.S. government response to the COVID-19 epidemic. P-EBT benefits are intended for school-aged children who would have received a free or reduced-price school meal during the time that schools were closed during the current school year. P-EBT provides a cash-like benefit that will be issued to a P-EBT card or an existing EBT card.



CDE link to P-EBT layout and definitions: 2021-22-p-ebt-data-collection-file-layout-requirements (state.co.us)


P-EBT Layout

School District/BOCES Code – A unique code assigned to a district by CDE. Refer to School

District/BOCES Code table.

School Code – A unique code assigned by CDE to a school building. Refer to School Building Code Table.

Student's State ID (SASID) – A unique ten-digit number must be assigned to each student by CDE.

Local ID (LASID) – The student's Locally Assigned Student ID (LASID). Districts/BOCES may zero fill if they choose not to use a LASID.

Student's First Name – A name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change.

Student's Middle Name – A secondary name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change. Blanks are NOT allowed. Use NMN (no middle name) where appropriate. (NMN could go into the “Default if Blank” column)

Student's Last Name – The name borne in common by members of a family.

Student's Gender – An individual's sex. 01 Female 02 Male

Student's Date of Birth – The month, day, and year (MMDDYYYY) in which an individual was born (i.e. 09151989).

Student’s Grade Level – The grade level or primary instructional level at which a student enters a school or an educational institution during a given school year. 002 Infant 050 Grade 5 004 Pre-Kindergarten (Preschool) 060 Grade 6 006 Half Day Kindergarten (450+ hours) 070 Grade 7 007 Full Day Kindergarten (900+ hours) 080 Grade 8 010 Grade 1 090 Grade 9 020 Grade 2 100 Grade 10 030 Grade 3 110 Grade 11 040 Grade 4 120 Grade 12

Language Background - Any student, who has a language proficiency code of Non-English Proficient (NEP), Limited English Proficient (LEP), Fluent English Proficient (FEP), Primary or Home Language Other Than English (PHLOTE), or Former EL (FELL), must have a language background other than English (ENG). You can download an excel file with the list of active and inactive language codes from this site: https://www.cde.state.co.us/datapipeline/language_codes

Primary Parent/Guardian First Name – A name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change. This person is the legal parent or guardian of the student and is considered the Head of Household.

Primary Parent/Guardian Last Name – The name borne in common by members of a family. The person is the legal parent or guardian of the student and is considered the Head of Household.

Primary Parent/Guardian Telephone Number – Primary phone number of the legal parent or guardian of the student who is considered the Head of Household. If there is no phone number on file for the parent/guardian, enter “None”.

Primary Student’s Mailing Address Fields– This is the student’s primary mailing address information

Primary Student’s Mailing County Code – This is an optional field. The county in which the student’s mailing address is located. See County Codes.

Non-School Program-An indicator that a student is being educated in a program without a school code. For purposes of this field, “non-school program” refers to those programs that are run by a district, BOCES or third-party entity in which a student is receiving all of his/her educational services delivered through this program. These programs do NOT have assigned school codes.

 ● Students receiving all of their educational services through a non-school program should be reported as follows:

○ School Code: student’s home (or boundary) school or district chosen school of accountability

○ Pupil Attendance Information: 01-08 only

Figure 2 Non-School Program Code List

Free/Reduced Lunch Price Eligible – Indicate if the student is eligible for FRPL regardless of eligibility determination type.

FRPL Eligibility Date - The District can choose to provide the date the student was found eligible for Free/Reduced Price Lunch. This information is helpful to assist with questions around dispute resolutions.

Type of Learning Modality - Districts should identify the learning modality for each student using the available options. If the student was InPerson, please select 3 - In-Person. CDE will be using the data provided by CDPHE to determine if a student may be eligible for P-EBT benefits based on quarantine/outbreak data. Even if a student was full-time in-person, data in elements 1-25 is needed to assess for benefit eligibility based on quarantine/outbreak status.