Question: Why can’t I get the proper students on my Perfect
Attendance list? I am creating a sort that works for me on other reports. I am
not sure what I am doing wrong.
Answer: When setting up a sort for the
perfect attendance reports (where in daily attendance OR in period attendance),
if you must set up criteria for grade year and/or school location, get these
fields from the DEMOGRAPHICS table, not the Attendance table. This little setup
makes a BIG difference in the list of students you get.
If you use the
attendance table for the selection criteria, then it will only list students who
have had absences in that grade year and/or school location. If a student has
PEFECT attendance, there will be NO records in the attendance table from which
to select the grade year and/or school location criteria. In essence you would
MISS your students with “true” perfect attendance. The Demographics table is
your KEY to making this report work its best.