Revised 7/11/2018
This Period Attendance
option on the Attendance| Attendance Entry screen provides the ability to mark
students absent for single periods, multiple periods, or all periods of the day.
Period Attendance records absences from classes on the student
schedule. Period absences are posted to Daily Attendance as Full Day,
Half Day, and Less than Half Day absences based upon your
school's setup information. This setup is found in Data
Entry and Changes |Student Information |Master File and Code Entry. Click
on the Application dropdown and select Attendance Accounting. Click on the
Entry Options dropdown and select Period Attendance Interface for Daily.
Here you can set the code and number of periods for each type of absence.
Period attendance may be entered by teachers or by the attendance
office. The attendance office can enter absences in a student format or a class
format. User defined codes allow for the tracking of absences from school and
school related absences from class.
Period Attendance information is available for inclusion on Grade Reports, student attendance history reports, and policy analysis which results in the generation of letters to parents or guardians.
For detailed instructions on prerequisites for attendance entry,
Enter Period Attendance Records
1. Login
2. Click on Attendance |Attendance Entry.
3. Select a School Location.
4. Select Period Attendance.
o Note: The next time you access the attendance entry area the selection of Period Attendance will be remembered.
5. The attendance date defaults to today.
o You may change it to a previous date if necessary.
o Note: the attendance date label turns red and has a hover-text if attendance is not for the current day.
6. Select the student to be marked absent, either by ID or name or click on the alphabet bar to see students with names beginning with the selected letter.
7. Click on a Student.
8. Select the appropriate attendance entry option - Absent/Late Arrival/Early Dismissal
9. Click on the Attendance Codes, Excused/Unexcused, Other Code and Description (i.e. set the attendance codes for the student case).
10. All periods/courses will have a check mark in the box to the left. If the student is not absent for certain periods, uncheck those.
11. Above the
student name and course listing, click on to add the attendance record,
to save changes or
to delete.
12. If you wish
to mass change any of the 3 default values used in creating the attendance
records (attendance code, excused code, other code, description) you can select
a new item from the dropdown and click the paper icon next to the item to be mass changed and
it will adjust all checked records
13. Select any Special Options
1. Show only Absent Students – Shows only Absent Students
2. Attendance History – Shows the selected student’s attendance history.
3. Show Time In/Out – Shows Time In/Out for “Attendance by Minute” attendance records.
14. Click on the Printer to Print/View “Today’s Period Attendance Report.”
o Note: To view the Daily Period List for a specific student click on “Attendance History” under Special Options, then click the printer button and it will run a report for just the selected student.
Other Options
On the top right side of the
screen is the “Other Options” menu. This area contains the selection options to
show “Inactive and Withdrawn Students”. When an operator first enters the
Attendance screen Withdrawn students will not display. If the operator makes
this selection, inactive students will be available for processing. If selected
a second time or the user leaves the entry screen, the withdrawn students will
not be available for processing.
The “Other Options” area is also where
you can select to “Refresh Daily Attendance from Period Attendance”. The program
will post absences from Period attendance to daily attendance as soon as a
record is saved. This option is only needed for special circumstances and is not
widely used.