Pop-up Blocker and Trusted Site

 Pop-up Blocker

     If using Internet Explorer, the pop-up blocker should ONLY be turned off in the Trusted Sites Zone. If the Trusted Sites Zone security is set to low this should automatically happen.

     If you are using Safari/FireFox then turn off your pop-up blocker. These browsers don’t have an option to turn off pop-ups by site. It is either on or off.

     Please note: Pop-blockers have nothing to do with trouble printing using the activex control. You will know right away if you have a pop-up blocker problem – when you click on the menu tree, nothing happens.

Trusted Sites

     To add Web School Office as a trusted site, go to Internet Explorer |Select Tools on the top toolbar |Select Internet Options |Select the Security Tab |Click on Trusted Sites |Click on Sites |Add the Web School Office address (i.e. http://yourdistrictwebsite.schooloffice.com/yourdistrictdirectory/sdsweboffice/ ) |Click Ok to close.