Record Selection Options

1.  If value IS in the list. (=) = If this option is selected, then only INCLUDE records with values matching the data in the “Data used for record selection” data box (i.e. School_Location “1”) on the report.

2.  If value is NOT in the list. (<>) = If this option is selected, then EXCLUDE records with values matching the data in the “Data used for record selection” data box (i.e. School_Location “1”), all school locations other then 1 will display on the report.

3.  If greater or equal to first value (>=) = If this option is selected ,then only include data that is greater or equal to the first value in “Data used for record selection” data box. (i.e. Grade_Year |Selected 07). Any grade year greater or equal to 07 will display.

4.  If greater or equal first value and less or equal to last value = If one item is listed this is equivalent to equal too. = These two options provide an equal to option. Separate they allow for an upper or lower range for selectivity.

5.  If no value (null) = When looking for a “Null” record a normal sort will not work. You cannot ask for less than or equal to a value in a field that has no value (null). This option gives you a way to find records with no entry in a particular field.

6.  Select but Do Not Change Sequence

If this options is selected it will not change the grouping on the report.

7.  Sequence and Select

If this option is selected it will change the grouping on the report.

In some cases this is a good selection, in others it is not wise to change the way the report is grouped and it may be better to have a custom report created to meet your school needs.