Save Sort with Name

Once you have created a sort, saved it and previewed/printed the report, your sort will automatically be saved under your sort history. When you return to the Student Reports page the sort will be listed in the Sort History box with the date and time the sort was run with the report. The sort history is kept as a User setting, meaning this sort is only available to the user who created it. The sort history is also saved with the report it was designed with, meaning the sort is only available with the report it was designed with. You may rename a saved sort to make it easily identifiable for future use.

1.  Enter Reports |Student Reports |Select Report Group and Report (i.e. Student List)

2.  Click on the date and time of the sort to select.

3.  A box will appear above the sort list. Enter a name for your new sort. (i.e. School Location 1)

4.  Click Save.

Run a Report with a Saved Sort

1.  Enter Reports |Student Reports |Select Report Group and Report (i.e. Student List)

2.  Select desired saved sort from the Sort History box

3.  Click the magnifying glass button to preview the report with the saved sort