Schedule Change (Current Year) Processing Options

Revised 4/10/2018


In Scheduling|Schedule Change (Current Year), the basic scheduling processing options as shown above are displayed in the Processing Options area.  Click on the  button to display all processing options.

Click to collapse the expanded Processing Options display

Click to Print/View Student Schedule

Find Sections for Unassigned Classes

 Remove Section Assignment

Check this to ignore schedule priority when running scheduler.  This is marked by default and in most cases should remain checked.

Check this to display overfilled class warning.

Ignore class link setting for selected classes (enter a N in the link field).

Enforce class link settings for selected classes (enter a Y in the link field).

Permanently delete all selected classes.

Allows deletion of selected classes even if grades are found for any of the classes.

Remove selected classes but retain grade information.

Activate selected courses.

Print class list for course selected in Class Section Offerings dropdown.

Check to display class list for course selected in Class Section Offerings dropdown.  Check mark a class on the student schedule and click to display class list for that course.  Class list will display to the right of the student schedule.

Allows user to select options for overloading or not overloading class sections when running the student scheduler.