SCRS Report

Revised 11/28/2018

These instructions pertain to the Kansas SCRS Roster Record submission.

     You will have to import the state course codes into SDS. Please refer to Student Help Console for instructions on matching your SDS course codes to state course codes

     Enter the course completion status for each letter grade. Use menu Master File and Code File Entry, Application “Grade Reporting”, Entry Option “Marking Period Grade Codes”. The code is entered in the State Pass Fail Code field.

Codes to be used are:
00 – Not Complete
01 – Completed (Pass)
02 – Completed (Fail)
03 – Completed (Audited)
04 – Withdrawn (Exited)
05 – Incomplete
06 – Summer School in Progress
99 – Record Submitted in Error

     Enter the final grades for the semester and calculate GPA. This will post all of the mandatory report information that was entered to SDS course codes and grade codes to the students’ transcript records.

     To run the report, go to menu: Processing Center | Data Exchange State and Federal Reporting. Select the “SCRS Roster” report from the dropdown. Many fields will already be matched for you. Match those that are not already matched to an SDS field or default box on the screen following instructions found in this document

     Select the file export format.

     Click the Create Export File button on the top right of the screen. 

This is a screen print showing how the report should be setup prior to export.
Once your file is created, you will see a message box that tells you how many records were created.  Click OK at the message box.  You will now see a yellow folder at the top of the screen.  Right mouse click on the yellow folder icon and select Save As or Save Target As and save the file to a location on your desktop.  Use that location file to submit to your state.

Following is a layout for each field to be reported. If a field is not matched to an SDS table then it must be matched to one of the text boxes on the design screen. If a field is designated as a placeholder, it is not currently available in SDS for the report. These fields are not required for the submission.

State Field                               SDS table                       SDS field                    Mandatory


1. Record_Type                                                                                                                                                      Yes


2.  School_Identifier                                                                                                                Yes


3.  State_Student_Identifier                     Demographics                          State_ID                                      Yes


4.  State_Subject_Area_Code         Transcript_Detail               Subject_Area_Code            Yes


5.  State_Course_Identifier             Transcript_Detail               State_Course_Code            Yes


6.  Course_Section                                   Transcript_Detail                       Course_Sec_Sem                     Yes


7.  School_Year                                                                                                                                                         Yes


8.   DateOfBirth                                             Demographics                            Birth_Date                                Yes


9. Enrollment_Status                       Transcript_Detail                   Enrollment_Status         Yes


10. Completion_Status                    Transcript_Detail                   Completion_Status         Yes


11. Letter_Grade                                       Transcript_Detail                           Grade                                         Yes


12. Percent_Grade                           Placeholder                                                                      No


13. Student_Last_Name                           Demographics                            Student_Last_Name                No


14. Student_First_Name                          Demographics                            Student_First_Name                  No


15. Student_Local_ID                               Demographics                            Id_Number                                    No


16. Teacher_Last_Name                  Placeholder                                                                       No


17. Teacher_First_Name                 Placeholder                                                                       No


18. User_Field_1                             Placeholder                                                                        No