Security – Application and Data Access

Revised 2/1/2019

This area allows you to easily Add or Adjust Users and Group Security for the Program Applications, viewing all security options in grid form.

     Applications – Displays selected areas of the program.

     Reports – Displays the selected Report options in Student Reports and Student Assessment Management Reports.

     View – Displays the selected Views [entry and view only] within the Applications.


These areas are divided into two columns each: Access and No Access, making assigning and checking security a snap.

List of Existing Student System Users

Users that are listed in the Users column will have access to the Student System. To view the rights of any user, highlight the Name or Login, all rights that have been assigned [Access] and not assigned [No Access] for this user will be displayed in the various areas of the security screen.

User Search and Adjusting Options

Alpha Search

Select the letter to search by, all Users beginning with the selected letter will display.

Name Search

Enter the first or last name, or portion of a name, select Search for User or Enter, all Users matching your criteria will display.

The Users area displays the Name, Login, Security Group [if assigned] and Employee ID when viewing Users.

Security Groups Search
All Users – Displays for selection All Users by Name.

Security Groups – Displays for selection Your Defined Security Groups.

Users with No Security Group – Displays for selection Users who have not been assigned to a group, that have an individual security setup.

Users or Groups Created Today – Display any Users or Groups who have been created today.

Users or Groups Changed Today - Display any Users or Groups who have been changed today.

Users in the _ Categories listed will display Users for selection from Your Defined Security Groups.

Locations Search

All Locations – Displays for selection All Locations by Name.

Users with No Location – Displays for selection Users who have not been assigned to a Location.

Users at Categories listed will display Users for selection from Your Defined Location Groups.


Change User’s Group

This option will allow you to move a User to a new security group and displays all possible options to move the User into.

1.  Select User to be moved [Tina Brown]. This can be done by searching Under All Users, select the Group to which the User to be moved is presently assigned [Users in the _substitute Teachers Group] or by Alpha or Name Search.

Under Users, select the User to be moved to a New Group [Tina Brown]

2.  Under Change User’s Group, select the Group to move the selected User into [Assign to Group _teachers]

3.  While processing, the system will generate a Please Wait message. When the process is complete, an information message box will display. Read the message to confirm the process status. Select OK.

All Applications

This option will allow you to view the areas of the program a selected group or user has access to.

All Applications will display every area of the program. The security area is divided into three groups:

By selecting the different options under All Applications, you can pinpoint your view to work with within the Applications, Reports and Views.

All Applications – Displays all areas of the programs.

Administrative – Displays only Administrative areas [Processing Center, Administrative Utilities, etc.].

Look & Browse – Displays only Look & Browse areas.

Student Entry & Changes – Displays only Student Entry & Changes areas.

Teacher Web – Displays only Teacher Web areas.

Parent Connect – Displays only Parent Connect areas.


This area allows you to Change User information, Add New User(s) or Group(s), Mass Reset Passwords with an option to force users to adjust to strong passwords, and Roll Back Settings.

Toggle Scrolling

Allows you to use toggle scrolling to scroll up and down each individual Access/No Access column within groups. With this display option your screen can remain in place while you scroll through the available columns making comparisons easy.

Change User Information

This area allows you to change basic information regarding a User, or Delete a User from Security.

Select User: Select User to Change.

Change User Information. Adjust a User Name, E-Mail Address, School Location or Home Room number, Select Save. When the process is complete, the Change User display will close, an information message box will display. Read the message to confirm the process status. Select OK.

Password - Assign a new Password, Confirm Password. Option: Check User must change password at next login if you choose to force a password change. Select Save. When the process is complete, the Change User display will close, an information message box will display. Read the message to confirm the process status.

Delete – Delete User from Security. Select User. Select Delete. Read the message to confirm the process. Select OK to continue. Select Cancel to Exit the process without deleting. Read the message to confirm the process status.

Close to Exit.

New User Setup

Allows you to Create a New Security User.

Enter the User ID, User Name

Add Password and Confirm Password.

Security Group Option – Select a Security Group from the dropdown to assign this User.


User Security Below – Select a User with the same security access as your New User [This would need to be done before entering the New User area]. Or Adjust the Security to your New Users needs [for more information on adjusting the security, see the Adjust User Security section below]

Option: User must change password at next login [Prompts User to change password on first login]. 

Select Create when the process is complete, an information message box will display. Read the message to confirm the process status. Select OK.

Select Close to Exit New User or Group Setup.

New Group Setup

Security Groups allow you to easily organize user security access for various groups of Users, such as, Teachers grouped by Location.

Enter the User ID: _New Group [The Underscore in the first character designates it as a Group].

Enter the User Name: New Group Name

Security Settings:
Security Group Option – Select a Security Group from the dropdown to assign this User.

User Security Below – Select a User with the same security access as your New User [This would need to be done before entering the New User area]. Or Adjust the Security to your New Users needs [for more information on adjusting the security, see the Adjust User Security section below]

Note: The password options are ignored for Group creation.

Select Create .
When the process is complete, an information message box will display. Read the message to confirm the process status. Select OK.

Select Close to Exit Add New User or Group Setup.

Mass Reset Passwords

This is especially useful to ensure a more secure data environment. In this area you can reset all passwords for a group and initiate the use for Strong Passwords for ALL Users. The maximum password age option allows for an added depth of security.

To Mass Reset Passwords for an Entire Security Group or Users not assigned to a group, select the Group to adjust from the Security Group drop down.

Reset Passwords

This will reset passwords for the group. Read the message carefully, select OK or Cancel to Exit.

Force Password Change

This option will force ALL users in the selected area to change their passwords on their next login.
Select Force Password Change. Read the Message carefully, select OK to proceed, Cancel to Exit.

Force all users to have strong passwords options Checkbox

Force all users to have a strong password, read the Message carefully. Select OK, all users will be required to adjust their passwords to a secure password at their next login.

NOTE: This option can be un-checked but once you leave the security area, if the option is selected, it is PERMANENT.

Uncheck and read confirmation message.

Users will receive this message when the Strong Password option is initiated.

DO NOT select this option if you do not want all Users to be required to have strong passwords;
however this option is STONGLY RECOMMENDED for added Security.

Setting a Maximum Password Age (Days)
This allows you to set mandatory password age. This feature adds to your security and will force password changes for the user based on the value entered.

Select Close to Exit Mass Reset Passwords

Roll Back Options
This gives you various options to Start Over.

Roll Back Setting (Since Selected)

When you are adjusting security for a user, before you move on to the next user, you have the option to Roll Back Settings (Since Selected). This will undo all changes you have just made for the selected User in the Access/No Access area.

Roll Back Settings as of [Date]

After you have moved to a different user, the Users will have a list of available dates to Roll Back to. Listed here are all dates of security adjustments for a selected user. If the security adjustment you have made is not what you need and you want to start over, select one of the Roll Back Settings as of date options listed. This will Roll Back the security settings for the selected user to the date you select.

Keep in mind, the Roll Back by date will roll back EVERYTHING – including changes to name, email, etc. to BEFORE any changes were made on the selected day.

To Roll Back Security Settings for a User or Group:

1.  Select User or Group from the Users list

2.  Select Options

3.  Select the Roll Back Settings as of (date). When the date is selected the system will immediately Roll Back the user to the selected date.

4.  Select the OK message confirming the Roll Back.

Adjust User Security

This area makes adjusting user security clear and concise. All areas of the program can be displayed or you can view sections. Adding and removing security is simple and streamlined.

Adding Security Areas

Select the User or Group to adjust [Stella Adams], Stella’s security will display. Note: When selecting a group to adjust, all Users in the selected Group will be adjusted.
You will notice we have All Applications selected. This will display every possible security option.

     The security area is divided into three groups:

1.  All Applications – All menu areas of the program.

2.  Reports – All report options in Student Reports and Student Assessment Management Reports.

3.  View – All Views [entry or view only] within the Applications.

Within the security areas are listed the areas the User or Group has Access to or has No Access to.

For a more specific view of Stella’s Security, select All Applications and your area of choice [Administrative]

You’ll notice your list is now only related to the Administrative areas in Applications, Reports and Views. The Applications area will update its title with your changing Application selection.

To give access to a selected new area:

Highlight the area to give access [under No Access, under Processing Center select all except Data Exchange, State and Federal Reporting.

     To select multiple areas in a block, select your first choice, hold down the Shift key and select the last choice. The block will highlight.

     Click and Drag, you may click and drag to select multiple items. Select your first choice and drag the mouse up or down to select multiple items.

     To pick and choose security options, select your first choice, hold down the Ctrl key and make the rest of your selections.

     To Select All Areas, select the Green Checkmark button this will select All areas under Access or No Access.

     Click the List box to unselect All Areas.

Select the Access Arrow button to move the selected security additions to the Access column. The user now has access to all area of the Processing Center except Data Exchange, State and Federal Reporting.

To give access to a complete area [User has Access to All of Administrative Utilities]:

1.  Highlight the title or the area to give access to under No Access, select the title of the area to give complete access to [Administrative Utilities].

2.  Select the Access Arrow Button

3.  User now has Access to the entire Administrative Utilities area

To Restrict Access to a Selected Area:

Highlight the area to be removed from access [under Access, Processing Center, select Refresh Attendance Analysis]

     To select multiple areas in a block, select your first choice, hold down the Shift key and select the last choice. The block will highlight.

     Click and Drag, you may click and drag to select multiple items. Select your first choice and drag the mouse up or down to select multiple items.

     To pick and choose security options, select your first choice, hold down the Ctrl key and make the rest of your selections.

     To Select All Areas, select the Green Checkmark button This will select All areas under Access or No Access.

     Click the List box to unselect All Areas.
Select the Remove Scissors button to move the selected security additions to the No Access column. This user now has no access to the Refresh Attendance Analysis area.

To remove access to a complete area [User no longer has Access to any of Administrative Utilities]. Highlight the title or the area to remove [under Access, select the title of the area to remove complete access to [Administrative Utilities].

Select the Remove Scissors Button

User now has No Access to the entire Administrative Utilities area

Note: Hide/View Columns in Application, Reports or Views Group

To hide a Group from View, select the Hide button, the section will close.

To view the Group again, select the + button, the sections will be available.

Data Restrictions

This allows you to restrict User Access to Student Data through the Application areas with SQL Restrictions. This is very useful for restricting teachers to only their students and administrative users to only their building etc. Look and Browse with L & B Restrictions are available and only necessary if you need additional or different restrictions in Look and Browse than in the User’s SQL Restrictions. An example of this would be a teacher needing to view additional students, or a special restriction for a counselor to only view their students in Look and Browse. Any User Restrictions are listed below the selection buttons.

Select SQL Restrictions or L & B Restrictions, a new screen will open with Field and Value Filter Options.

From Field: (Select a Field), you may choose any field in Demographics.
From Value: You may select any value or values.

For example, to restrict a User [Stella Adams] to only her Homeroom 114
Select Field: Home_Room and Value: 114.
Select Add to SQL Restriction (Applications, Reports to only View those in Homeroom 114).

You may have multiple restrictions.

To Clear Selection, select Clear

Look & Browse Restriction

To Add a Filter to Look and Browse

From Field: (Select a Field), you may choose any field in Demographics.

From Value: You may select any value or values,

For example, to allow Stella Adams to view additional students in Look and Browse

Select Field: Student_Last_Name and Value: Adams.

Select Add to SQL Restriction.

Select Additional Students IE: Harris and Miller, Add after each selection.
You may have multiple restrictions.
To Clear Selection, select Clear
To Exit, select Close

The restrictions listed for the selected User will update.