Setup Parent Connect to run with Live Data

There are three UDL files in the ParentConnect/UDL_Files folder that need to point to the live databases:

     WNetxPlan.udl points to sdsxplan.mdb

     WNetParent.udl points to sdsxplan.mdb

     WNetcPlan.udl points to sdscplan.mdb

Warning before you begin the below instructions.  All passwords will be reset back to their original value and any students that parents have combined will be lost.

1.  While logged onto the SDS web server, navigate to the ParentConnect/UDL_Files folder and open it.

2.  Double-click on the first UDL.

3.  A Data Link Properties screen will appear.  Verify you are on the "Connection" tab. 

4.  To the right on the first box (Select or enter a database name) click on browse button (looks like a square with dots on it).

5.  Browse to where your live database is located. (i.e. c:\sdsv8\student)

6.  Click test connection.

7.  Click the OK button.

8.  Then complete the same steps for the other two UDL's listed above.

9.  Then go to your site and verify it is running off your live database.