State Reports

CA60 Label: This Michigan report prints labels (Avery 5160) with the student’s name, current grade year, days present, days absent, days tardy, and next year grade year.

Certified Employee: This Indiana report prints a list of the data needed for the DOE-CE report. The field Staff or Contact must have a value of “S” to include that person’s line of data.

CO Count Day Entry and Exit Dates: This report prints a list of all students enrolled on a date specified. If a student has withdrawn, the exit date shows also.

Health History: This report prints the New Jersey health history and appraisal form.

IL Class List with IEP Totals: This report is the basic class list report format (see Scheduling reports section) with the IEP indicator field for Illinois clients. It prints the totals and percentages of students with or without an IEP.

IL Race/Ethnicity Data Collection Form: This report is an aide to collect race and ethnicity information from students for the US Department of Education.

IL Full/Half Audit Report: The report prints a grade year/alphabetical listing of students by school location. It shows the days of the month with indicators of enrolled, present/absent, and gives totals for the selected month’s attendance.

Illinois NWEA Export Preparation Report: This report prepares a file to export to NWEA for testing purposes.

Illinois NWEA MAP System Report: This report prepares a file to export to NWEA for MAP testing purposes.

Indiana DOE-CC Report: This report prepares the Course Completion report for the state of Indiana. Data originates from the transcript detail table. For instructions on this report search this document for Indiana CC Report.

Indiana DOE-CP Report: This report prepares the Certified Positions report for the state of Indiana. Data originates from the course master table. For instructions on this report search this document for Indiana CC Report.

Indiana NWEA Export Preparation Report: This report prepares a file to export to NWEA for testing purposes.

Indiana TBR Official Receipt: Used in conjunction with fee processing, this statement prints in a state approved format for the TBR (Text Book Rental).

Michigan Count Day Report: This report prints the state required demographic data for students on the count date specified by the user.

Michigan NWEA Export Preparation Report: This report prepares a file to export to NWEA for testing purposes.

Monthly Attendance Register by Grade: Designed for New Jersey, this report prints a grade year/alphabetical listing of students by school location. It shows the days of the month with indicators of enrolled, present/absent, and gives totals for the selected month’s attendance.

Monthly Attendance Register by Program Code: Designed for New Jersey, this report prints a grade year/alphabetical listing of students by program code. It shows the days of the month with indicators of enrolled, present/absent, and gives totals for the selected month’s attendance.

PA Course Report: This report is used to store the attributes of each course; use the Course Enrollment and Course Instructor templates to associate courses with the students enrolled in each section and the instructors of each section, respectively.

PA Instructor Report: The Course Instructor Template is used to identify the instructor(s) of each course/section offering. The Course Instructor template should be submitted in a cumulative fashion indicating all instructors associated with a specific course /section for the school year. All teachers, except
terminated teachers, should have course assignments if they are classroom teachers of record in core content areas.

SDS State Course Codes-CY: This report prints a list of the Current Year (CY) district course codes and the state course codes that have been linked to them.

SDS State Course Codes-NY: This report prints a list of the Next Year (NY) district course codes and the state course codes that have been linked to them.

State Course Code List: This report lists the state course codes that have been imported into sdsxplan (the SDS database). These codes are in our master sdscplan.mdb and are imported through control center. The master has all state codes but only those for the state in question are imported to sdsxplan.

State Subject Code List: This report lists the state subject codes that have been imported into sdsxplan. These codes are in our master sdscplan.mdb and are imported through control center. The master has all state codes but only those for the state in question are imported to sdsxplan.

UIC Label: Designed for Michigan, this report prints labels that include the student’s name, birth date, gender, and UIC code.

WI PL1215 Report: This report shows how many males and females by grade level are enrolled in specific subjects.

Year End Bus Detail: Lists the students by bus number showing enrollment days under each category for each bus number with subtotals and grand totals at the end. For more instructions on this report search for Illinois Transportation Reports.

Year End Bus Summary: Lists the subtotals for each bus number under each category and grand totals at the end. For more instructions on this report search for Illinois Transportation Reports.

Year End Transportation Detail: Lists students alphabetically with enrollment days under the appropriate category with totals at the end. For more instructions on this report search for Illinois Transportation Reports.

Year End Transportation Summary: Lists the ending enrollment day totals for each category. For more instructions on this report search for Illinois Transportation Reports.