Step 1 –Identify Next Year Students

Revised 4/23/2018


Step 1 of the Next Year Registration and Scheduling process is to identify the students who will be attending next school year.

Before working in the Prepare Next Year Schedule Area, students must be identified as either students who will be returning or students who will not be returning. New students, incoming (freshmen) students  and returning students will need to be identified as “returning students”. Graduating seniors will need to be identified as “not returning”. There are two methods that may be used to update student records and the next year school location.

Method 1 – Single Entry
Access WSO |Data Entry and Changes |Student Information Changes (Horizontal) | Entry Options = Demographics All Fields

     Students, such as graduating seniors, who will not return for the next school year, must have a “1” in the Next Year Active Field, indicating they will not be returning to the district for the following school year.

     Students who will be returning, new, or incoming students, must have “0” in the Next Year Active Field, indicating that they will be returning to the district for the following school year.

     Enter the school location for all returning students next year in the NY School Location Field. This will give the High School access to the current 8th grade class for Next Year Scheduling in a district wide database.

     Remember to save changes.

     For information on navigating and editing data in Student Information Changes (Horizontal),


Method 2 – Mass Entry
The above changes can also be done in mass by using the
features in the  Student Information Changes (Horizontal) to query out students by Grade Year and mass change the Next Year Active and NY School Location field values for those students.