Step 2 - Prepare the Next Year Scheduling Area

Revised 4/23/2018


Step 2 of the Next Year Registration and Scheduling process is to perform the processing options in the Prepare the Next Year Scheduling Area screen.  Prior to completing the processing options in the Prepare the Next Year Scheduling area screen, make sure the necessary prep work outlined below is completed.

Prep Work - Course Codes/Course Master
Note: If you plan to “copy” the current year course codes and course master to the Next Year Registration and Scheduling area, (as opposed to re-typing or “starting from scratch”) please verify and make the following corrections before working in the "Prepare the Next Year Scheduling Area".

     Access WSO |Scheduling |Master File & Code File Entry & Changes | Application = Scheduling (Current Year) |Entry Options = Course Codes – Current Year

Verify that all Class sections have a valid school location. Remove unused sections or correct any sections that have school location of “ALL”.

     Access WSO |Scheduling |Master File & Code File Entry & Changes |Application = Scheduling (Current Year) | Entry Options = Course Master – Current Year (All Fields)

Verify that all Class sections have a valid school location. Remove unused sections or correct any sections that have school location of “ALL”.


For instructions for completing the Prepare the Next Year Scheduling Area steps,