Step 4 - Register Students

Revised 4/23/2018


Step 4 of the Next Year Registration and Scheduling process is to register students for the classes they will take next year.  There are three methods that can be used to complete student registration within Web School Office.

     Method 1 - Next Year Registration and Schedule Changes

     Method 2 - Next Year Mass Registration

     Method 3 - Parent Connect On-Line Registration.


You may choose to use only one method or a combination of the three methods listed above.

Method 1 - Next Year Registration and Schedule Changes

Students may be individually registered for courses in Scheduling|Next Year Registration and Schedule Changes.  For instructions on using this area,  

Method 2 - Next Year Mass Registration

The Mass Registration tools can be used to register students as a group for a course or courses.
Refer to these links for instructions on mass registration by course and mass registration by student.

Method 3 - Parent Connect Online Registration

This method allows you to set up your Parent Connect to allow students to register for next year courses online.


For instructions on setting up your system for online course registration,

For instructions on registering for courses in Parent Connect,