Step 6 – Adjust Next Year Course Master

Revised: 4/23/2018


After reviewing the registration reports listed in Step 5, Step 6 of the Next Year Registration and Scheduling process is to make adjustments to the next year course master as needed.  This can be done in either:

     Master File and Code File Entry and Changes

Add/Edit/Delete course sections in the next year course master following the instructions in this link.

     Master File and Code File Entry and Changes Horizontal

Edit course master sections in the next year course master following the instructions in this link.

     Next Year Course Master (Magnet board)

The magnet board is a tool that can be used to add and delete sections from the course master, assign course sections to teachers and rooms, and move course sections to different periods, teachers, or rooms. It also includes a potential conflict matrix so the user can see how many possible conflicts moving a course to a specific period would create.
Basic Instructions

1.  Enter Scheduling |Next Year Course Master (Magnet Board).

2.  Create Sections from Course Codes.

3.  View Number of Students Registered for Course.

4.  Create as many Courses as Required.

5.  Add Sections to Teachers (on left) and Rooms (on right).

6.  Potential Conflicts.

7.  Remove Teacher Assignments.

8.  Move assignments to different:


Teacher/s by using “Classes without assignments”.


For detailed instructions on using the Next Year Course Master (Magnet Board),