Step 7 - Schedule Students

Revised: 4/23/2018


Step 7 of the Next Year Registration and Scheduling process is to schedule students into the classes they are registered for.  There are three methods that can be used to schedule students within Web School Office.

     Method 1 – Schedule Students to Class

This method allows the user to select a specific group of students and run the process to have the program find sections for the registered courses for each student.  At the end of the scheduling run, students not fully scheduled will be displayed and the user may review the reject matrix on the screen to find which courses rejected for each student to determine why the courses rejected and take steps to resolve them.  For instructions on using this option,

     Method 2 - Next Year Registration and Schedule Changes

This method allows the user to individually schedule students either by forcing specific sections onto a student’s schedule or running them through the scheduler to have the program find sections for registered courses.  This area is also often used to manually resolve rejected courses.  For instructions on using this option,

     Method 3 – Copy & Paste Class Lists/Copy & Paste Student Schedules

The Copy & Past Class Lists option allows the user to copy students from one class list to another.  Users can copy and paste a whole class list or selected members of a class list. This feature can also be used to remove selected students from a class list.  For instructions on using this option,

The Copy & Past Student Schedules option allows the user to copy the schedule (or partial schedule) of a selected student to another student or multiple students.  For instructions on using this option,


You may choose to use only one method or a combination of the three methods listed above.