System Settings

Revised: 8/31/2018


To access System Settings enter WSO |Administrative Utilities |Web Settings |System Settings will display. There are several different system settings you have the ability to set in this area that control many different tasks, options etc. Below is an overview of each option.

Font Size of Main Screen
You have the option to leave it on default or choose Large.


Format all Demographics phone fields

Choose Y to apply phone number formatting to all Demographics phone fields when the Home_Phone field is formatted. 


Use a Format for Phone Numbers

Choose a format to assign to data fields that accept phone numbers.

Main Color Theme Selection
Select the color you wish to have for your main menu heading

Messaging Refresh Interval in Minutes
This setting is the frequency Messaging will check for messages. Setting this to zero will turn off Messaging automatic refresh.

Session Timeout for Office Web

Maximum timeout is 60 minutes. If you set a number higher than 60 (i.e. 90) it will default back to 20 minutes. This is for security purposes. WARNING! Changing this setting this to a higher value will increase the amount of memory used by the server.

Session Timeout for Teacher Web

Maximum timeout is 60 minutes. If you set a number higher than 60 (i.e. 90) it will default back to 20 minutes. This is for security purposes. WARNING! Changing this setting this to a higher value will increase the amount of memory used by the server.

Show only Message to Office
If set to "Y", only Message to Office will show in Demographics and Attendance. Message to Teacher will Not show.

Student Assessment Management (SAM) License Key
Contact Specialized Data Systems at (800) 323-1605 to acquire an activation code

Year of Web Roll-Over
If this value matches the School_Year and there is no Hist database, the Web Roll-Over option will be available on the Menu Tree under Administrative Utilities.

Use Quick E-Mail for E-Mailing Students in WSO
If set to “Y” you can use SDS Use Quick E-Mail for E-Mailing Students in Web School Office.

Beta Test Key
Contact Specialized Data Systems at (800) 323-1605 if you wish to participate in the Beta Test Program.


Number of days Unread Messages will be deleted
The frequency unread messages in the Message Center will be deleted. This only effects messages sent via the Messaging Center.

Allow for Horizontal Grade/Year Changes
Select Y if you want to allow for Horizontal Grade/Year changes. If changes are made in horizontal entry after the student enrollment has been created, you will need to recreate the enrollment records.

Allow for Horizontal Homeroom Changes
Select Y if you want to allow homeroom changes in horizontal. If changes are made in horizontal entry after the student enrollment has been created, you will need to recreate the enrollment records.

Allow for Horizontal Misc Group Changes
Select Y if you want to allow Misc group changes in horizontal. If changes are made in horizontal entry after the student enrollment has been created, you will need to recreate the enrollment records.

Show Photos for District Office
Select Y to show photos for District Office or N to not show.

Allow Combining of Students
Select Y to activate the option to combine duplicate students in the Data Entry & Changes | Student Information area.

Use Tabbed Look and Browse in TeacherWeb
If you select “Y” then in the older version of TeacherWeb Look and Browse will have tabbed views. Teacher Web 4 has tabbed views.


Allow Version 8 Attendance Entry
Set to "N" if district is using the SDS Web Processing system. "N" is the recommended and default setting.

Allow Version 8 Schedule Changes
Set to "N" if district is using the SDS Web Processing system. "N" is the recommended and default setting.

Parent Activity Registration
Activate/Show extra-curricular activity registration on the Web Registration Screen.


Disable Tardy option by School Location

Enter a school location code.  The Teacher Web attendance entry screen for that location will have the tardy option disabled. 

Time of Day to Turn Teacher Attendance Off
Enter the time of day you want to turn off teacher attendance. Note this is the time on the server.  The time can be entered in the format of 3:00 PM or 15:00.

Enable Period Attendance by Period 
This feature makes taking attendance much easier for those teachers who have multiple classes during a single period. To enable this feature, change the setting in the dropdown box from N to Y and click to Save Changes at the top of the screen

     Now when your teachers log into Teacher Web and click the bell to take attendance, they will have a new option to select By Class (default) or By Period.

     If the teacher clicks the By Period circle and then selects any class offered during that period, the display will show all students assigned to the teacher during that period along with the class that the student is scheduled.

     Now the teacher can take attendance for all classes in the same period from one screen.

Enable Policy Notification
This turns on the option to notify selected administration once a student meets one of the policy letters that are defined in the School Policy Processing area.  For more detail on this area,

Show Absence in Gradebook Pages: Setting this to Y will display the absence code to the right of their id number. There is a two minute delay before checking for new absences while the teacher is in a working in a particular grade book page.

     If the teacher is marking daily or period attendance, then the absence will display in the grade book once the office has opened the daily attendance portion of the program.

     If the office has entered the attendance for the student, the grade book displays the daily attendance code.


Show Attendance Calendar in Period Attendance
The default setting for teacher attendance entry is to only have access to the current day. If you want teachers to be able to enter attendance on any day then set this to Y. This will enable a calendar to show in which they can pick any day for attendance entry.

Show Excused Code in Period Attendance
By default attendance entries by teacher are either all excused or all unexcused. The E/U is a setting that the system administrator determines. It is the office that makes modifications to the E/U code. However, if this is set to Y, then the teachers will determine what are excused absences and what is unexcused.

Show Notes Field in Daily Attendance Area
Select Y if you want the notes field in Daily Attendance

Show Photos for Teacher Web
Select “Y” to show student photos on Teacher Web.

Track attendance by Minute or Class Count
If Minute is selected then the system will track the number of minutes a student is absent from class.

Use Bell Schedule for Attendance
Select Y to use Bell Schedule for Attendance

Final Grade Average as a Letter Grade Option
If this value is a Y an option to compute letter or numeric averages for the Final grade will be available. If you select N then the system will determine if numbers or letters are appropriate based on the marking period entries. Font Size of Main Menu

Next Year Mass Registration
Activate the ability to use the Next Year Mass Registration

Default Auto Pay to
Default for Auto Pay is checked.

Inactivate the Payment Split Charge
If set to "Y", the option to create additional charges when payments are entered will be inactivated. If set to Y it is recommended that you do not delete payments after entry but rather enter negative payments.

Enable Tuition/Fee payments by Family
If set to “Y”, the option to apply Tuition/Fee payments for a whole family will be available.

E Pay Payable Code (Illinois)
Contact the state treasures office for our Payable Code.

E Pay Site ID (Illinois)
Contact the state treasures office for your Site ID

Enable Discipline Notification
This turns on the option to notify selected administration once a discipline record has been added to a student's data file.

School Location Restriction for Infraction/Penalty
When entering Discipline Information limit the available Infraction/Penalty Codes by the user's School Location Restriction.

First Term of Gradebooks to show in Parent Connect
The first term is defaulted to 0.

Last Term of Gradebooks to show in Parent Connect
The last term is defaulted to 9.


Show Date Changed on Grade Book Pages

Select Y or N to show or Date Changed on Grade Book Pages


Show Google Translate on Parent Connect
Select Y or N to show or hide Google Translate on ParentConnect


Hide Inactive Student Gradebooks in Parent Connect
In Parent Connect select Y to hide entries in Gradebooks if the student has been marked inactive for that course or N not to.

Allow Parents to Submit Requests for Changes
If this is set to “Y” then parents will be able to submit changes for fields you choose in Demographics.

Make Web Registration Permanent
When Parent Connect Web Registration is submitted, selections are unchangeable. Select, Y for yes or N for No.

Enable Parent Connect Security by Location
Set to "Y" a button for creating ParentConnect security groups by school location.

Show Alternate Courses
Show alternate course options in Web Registration. Select, Y for yes or N for No

Show Photos on Parent Connect
Set to "Y" to show Photos on Parent Connect. If your Parent Connect is not hosted at SDS your tech will need to copy your photos to the parentconnect\Photo folder on your server (you will initially need to create this folder).


Disable Combining of students in Parent Connect
Set to "N" allows parents to combine their students into one parent login. Set to "Y" to prevent parents from combining students into one parent login.

Allow teacher access to SAM

If your school has purchased the student assessment package, this allows teachers to have access to their student’s standardized test scores

First Term available in teacher Gradebook
This is a way to control which gradebooks teachers see on the screen. This is a universal control. Keep in mind, that teachers also have a term control in their settings area allowing them to control their own gradebooks.

Last Term available in Teacher Gradebook
This is a way to control which gradebooks teachers see on the screen. This is a universal control. Keep in mind, that teachers also have a term control in their settings area allowing them to control their own gradebooks.

Gradebook Averages May Exceed 100%
This setting changes how grade averages are calculated in Gradebook. Select Y to exceed 100% or N to not exceed 100%.

Allow Teachers to Change their User Information
If this is set to Y, then teachers will have the ability to make changes to their information such as phone numbers, etc. When this is set to Y, you will see the “Pencil” icon next to the teachers name. If they click on it, a box will pop up with information that they can adjust. (This option requires a data view definition to be setup called “My User Information”, based on the “Teachers” table. For Schools using both School and Finance office, these information changes only pertain to School Office data

Disable Creation of Individual Gradebooks: If you would like all of your teachers to only use the Wizard to create gradebooks, it is now possible to disable the “create” option. A few benefits of the Wizard is that gradebooks will have a uniform naming structure, auto post to the office gets set, and conveniently creates them all on one screen.

Disable Extra Credit Category
In the gradebook, teachers can add points directly to the student’s class average by setting up an assignment using the “extra credit (9)” assignment category. If you do not want teacher’s to have access to this category there is now a setting to disable it in the SDS Web Settings. To disable teacher’s ability to use this category set it to Y and enable it set it N.

Screen Size Option Active
Select Y to enable or N to disable changing of grid size in Teacher Web

Allow changing of Gradebook Grade Charts
If you allow teachers to create custom grade charts for their gradebooks, make sure to set this to Y.

Always Show Summary and Final Gradebooks (Web 4):
When this is set to Y, all summary/ aka eligibility and final gradebooks will show on the gradebook tree for all teachers. If this is set to N, then by default those gradebooks (because they do not require teacher entry, they get their info from term and exam gradebooks) will not show however, teachers can go into settings and opt to adjust a setting to have their own eligibility and final gradebooks show on tree.

Do Not Transfer Inactive Grades
If this is set to Y, inactive student grades will NOT be sent down to the office as a marking period grade.

Limit Teacher Web Discipline by Date
This setting pertains to the editing of discipline records by teachers. If set to N, teachers can edit any record that they have entered, regardless of date. If this is set to Y, teachers will only have the ability to edit discipline records that were entered on the current day.

Use Teacher Web 4 From Menu Tree
Set to "Y" to use Teacher Web 4 from the WSO menu tree

Enable Period Attendance by Period

Revised 1/2/2019

This feature will make taking attendance much easier for teachers who are assigned more than one class during a single period. 

1.  Enter Web School Office and select Administrative Utilities |SDS Web Office Settings.

2.  A new option will be listed under the Attendance group called Enable Period Attendance by Period.

3.  Change the setting in the dropdown box from N to Y and click to Save Changes at the top of the screen.

     When teachers login to Teacher Web to take attendance they will have the option to select By Class (default) or By Period.

     If the teacher clicks the By Period circle then selects any class they teach during that period, all students assigned to the teacher in the period will display, not just those in the selected class.  Each student will show their scheduled class for that period.

     Now the teacher can take attendance for all classes in the same period from one screen.