Teacher Code Field Definitions


Field Name


Teacher Code

Required. Use up to 10 character spaces.

Keep the code simple and identifiable.  Can be up to ten characters - alpha or numeric. 

Teacher Name

Required. Use up to 30 character spaces.

          Type the name in the form you want to appear on schedules, report cards, and class lists.

          Some reports sort on this field.  It will sort alphabetically. 

          If using Mr. or Mrs.  the system will sort on Mr. and then Mrs.

          If using First Name and then Last Name the system will look at the first name and alphabetize by first name.

          If using Last Name then First Name the sort will be alphabetically by last name then first.

School Location

Select the appropriate school location for the teacher.  Selecting a specific school location will limit teacher access to only the students in the specific location.

Home Room

Entering a specific homeroom will connect the teacher to students if the same value is entered in the Home_Room field in the student demographics record.  Teachers will see only student records that match to homeroom. 


Memo Field.

Any additional information that is needed.