Revised 10/26/2018
Individual test scores may be edited in either Student Maintenance or Student Information in the Data Entry & Changes area of the program menu. Instructions for both areas are listed below.
Student Maintenance
1. In Data Entry & Changes|Student Maintenance, select the Test Score data entry view from one of the four data entry views at the top of the screen.
2. Search for the student.
3. Click on the student’s name displayed on the left.
4. Click the word “Select” on the record you wish to edit.
5. The record will open.
6. Edit
the record as necessary and click the button on the Test Score data entry
screen to save the change.
NOTE: Clicking the
button at the
top of the screen will save changes made on all open data entry
Student Information
1. Go to Data Entry & Changes |Student Information.
2. Click on Processing Options |View Student Options |Show Inactive Students (All).
3. Click the Entry Options dropdown and choose Test Scores.
4. Search for the student.
5. Click on the student’s name displayed on the left.
6. The student’s test score records will display on the right.
7. Click the file folder button on the test you wish to edit.
8. The record will open.
9. Edit
the record as necessary and click to save the changes.
To change a test score on a current student, omit step 2 above.