Tuition/Fee Processing Reports

Below are the Tuition/Fee Processing reports with a description to help you understand them better.

Charge Analysis: Based on a date range you enter (using the DATE field), this report prints a list of each department and the type of charge that was charged out to the students. It gives an idea of how much money should be collected by each department for each type of charge. For example, the English department should collect a total of $3500 for book rent, $360 for consumables, and $475 for course fees.

Charge Summary by Student: Based on a date range you enter (using the DATE field), this report prints a list of students with a total for each type of charge on their accounts and if there has been a payment applied towards those charges. The student’s balance due is the last item printed.

Charge Summary by Type: Based on a date range you enter (using the DATE field), this report prints a summary (by school location) of the total amount charged to all students for each charge type.

Daily Charge List: Based on a date range you enter (using the DATE field), this report prints all of the charges for a student. There is an option to page break between students or print a continuous report. It also provides totals for each student for each type of charge and payment and has the student’s balance due.

Master Charge List: This report is used to print a copy of the charge definitions. It is great to use to double check your entries or write your changes for the upcoming year.

Payment Activity: This report prints a list of all locked and/or unlocked payments entered for a date range you enter (using the DATE field). The last page contains a total amount for each payment type recorded.

Payment Analysis/Department: Based on a date range you enter (using the REFERENCE DATE field), this report prints a list of each department and the type of charge that was PAID by the students. It gives the total amount of money each department has collected for each type of charge.

Payment Summary: Based on a date range you enter (using the DATE field), this report prints only the totals of the payments entered. The totals are by the payment’s type (i.e. cash, check, etc.)

Payments Over or Under Applied to Charges: This report will show payments that have not been applied to charges.

Statement (Family Format): This report prints the students’ statements based on the Family ID field found in Demographics. All students with the same Family ID# will print on the same statement.

Statement (Format 1, 2, 3, 4): These reports print out the student’s statement, with charge detail and payments. A memo can be included on the statement to remind parents of payment deadlines or upcoming events.

Statement Aging and Open Balance: This report shows the age of the charges on a student’s account (30, 60, 90 or more days). If payments are not applied to specific charges, they will not be reflected in the aging columns‎. ‎They will be recorded in the unapplied payments ‎column‎.

Student Open Balance: This report shows a list of students who have a non-zero balance. It is strongly suggested when this report is used, the “no lower value” option should be used for the beginning date of the date range parameter in order to show the proper balance due. Note: if you elect to show the mailing address information, this report can be exported to Excel and used in a mail merge to send letters regarding past due accounts.

Student Summary by Charge Type: This report lists each student and a total for each type of charge on the student’s account.  Charge types are listed horizontally across the top of the page and the student names print vertically on the left.  Information on this report can also be found on the Charge Summary by Student report.