When manually updating, look at the following article, “How to Update Web School Office the Easy Way”. It is a quicker and easier way to update your program.
There are four steps when updating Web School Office:
1. Download Updates
2. Lock Users Out of SDS, Create a Backup and Shutdown IIS
3. Update Web Control Center/V8.5, Web School Office and Parent Connect
4. Restart IIS and Un-Lock Users
Step 1 – Download Updates
This step you will access the
download page and download all the update zip/exes.
1. Login X-Connect by visiting http://sc.schooloffice.com/supportconnect/
2. On your User Profile click on "Manuals, Updates and Enhancements".
3. Then scroll down till you see the file you need to download.
Download Zips and Exes
Download the School Office V8.5/Web
Control Center, Web School Office Student/Full and Parent Connect if you have
Parent Connect. Follow the below steps for instructions.
Web Control
Center/V8.5 Zip
First download the Web Control Center/V8.5 Update
1. Go to the "Manuals, Updates and Enhancements" section of XConnect
2. Click on S22_EXE.zip
3. Click SAVE (DO NOT RUN). Answer YES to replace the file if it already exists.
4. Navigate to your Web Control Center/V8.5 drive and directory (i.e. c:\sdsadmin\student).
o If you do not know where this is located run a SDS report (i.e. Student List) and the file path and name will be on the bottom of the report or contact your building tech.
5. Click SAVE.
Web School Office
Student/Full EXE
download the Web School Office Student/Full EXE (This includes Teacher Web):
1. Click on SDSWeboffice_Student.exe from the download page in XConnect.
2. If you have the student and finance system and would like the full update then simply download the SDSWebOffice_Full.exe rather than SDSWebOffice_Student.exe. Just remember to update your Web Finance Control Center/V8.5 as well.
3. Click SAVE (DO NOT RUN)
4. Navigate to your Web School Office drive and directory on your web server. (i.e. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SDSWebOffice or c:\websites\SDSWebOffice).
o System locations may differ from school to school. If you do not know where your web system is located enter WSO | Administrative Utilities | Control Center | Useful Information to find the directory where your web program resides.
5. Click SAVE. Answer YES if it asks you to replace the file.
Parent Connect
Third download the
Parent Connect exe: (Skip this step if you do not have Parent Connect.)
1. Click on ParentConnect.exe from the download page in XConnect.
2. Click SAVE (DO NOT RUN)
3. Navigate to your Parent Connect drive and directory on your web server. (i.e. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ParentConnect or c:\websites\ParentConnect).
o System locations may differ from school to school. Contact the building tech if you have a question in regards to the location.
4. Click SAVE. Answer YES if it asks you to replace the file.
o You have now downloaded all the zips/exes; you can exit the download page. Now apply the updates.
Step 2 - Lock Users out of SDS, Create a Backup and
Shutdown IIS
During this step you
will be locking out all users from SDS before updating and you will be creating
a backup. You may want to notify all users this will be taking
Then follow the below steps:
1. Enter Web School Office |Administrative Utilities |Control Center
2. Enter a Message to Users in the white box.
3. Click on “Lock Users Out of SDS”.
o Remember to “Unlock Users” when you are done with the updates. Instructions on how to unlock users are in the last steps of this process.
o Close Web School Office
o Note: The remainder of the steps must be done while logged on locally to your SDS web server as the administrator.
4. Shut down IIS - the command for this is IISRESET /STOP
5. Create a backup
o From your program directory, run u22_uday.exe
o On this screen, choose the drive to backup to and click
o Read the message/s and click OK once read
o Wait for the compress and backup to complete
Step 3 – Update Web Control
Center/V8.5, Web School Office, Teacher Web and Parent Connect
In this step we will be applying
the updates for the Web Control Center/V8.5, Web School Office (Includes Teacher
Web) and Parent Connect.
Update Web Control Center/V8.5
First, start by updating the Web Control Center/V8.5. You have already
downloaded the zip in Step 2 now it is time to apply it.
From the Windows Taskbar, select Start |Run (Vista = Start and type in search box), navigate to the SDS Web Control Center/V8.5 directory and run s22_set.bat (i.e. c:\sdsv8\student\s22_set.bat).
Update Web School Office
(This includes Teacher Web)
you have updated and run the evaluation/re-build for the Web Control Center/V8.5
proceed with the below steps to update the web.
1. You have already downloaded the Web School Office Student/Full exe in Step 2. Now it is time to apply it.
2. LOCK USERS OUT “See Step 1 on how to lock users out of the system.”
3. Run Web_set.bat from you Web School Office directory on your web server (i.e. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SDSWebOffice).
4. This will do some maintenance and then prompt you for a password. Contact support if you do not have a password.
o Note: The password is different for each file. If you download the wrong file, your site may stop working. Running the .exe file without running Web_Set.bat could break the web site.
5. Open up the main page and verify the build number (i.e. 080812) below the menu tree has changed.
Update Parent Connect
After you have updated the Web
Control Center and Web School Office, proceed with the following to update
Parent Connect (Complete this step only if you have Parent Connect.):
1. Run the Par_Set.bat file you downloaded from your ParentConnect directory (i.e. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ParentConnect) while logged into the web server. You cannot run this from a mapped drive.
o This will do some maintenance and then prompt you for a password. Contact support if you do not have a password. Running the .exe file without running Par_Set.bat could break the web site.
2. Re-Synchronize your databases - Copy the SDSXPlan.mdb and SDSCPlan.mdb files from the Student folder to the ParentConnect/ParentData folder.
Step 4 – Restart IIS and Unlock Users
1. Restart IIS – the command for this is IIRESET /START
2. Unlock Users
o Delete the stop.txt file from your directory
ATTN: If you receive an “U22_Verify_Structure Run-time error ‘75’: Path/File access error” while doing an update, it means that your database was open while attempting to do the update. To correct this error, do the following.