User Security Groups

Revised 1/30/2019

In Administrative Utilities|Historical Version – User Security, a security group allows you to assign users that share the same security rights to a group instead of individually assigning their security rights. 

Examples: ._AdministrativeUsers, _General Office Users, _Parent, _Substitute Teachers, _Teachers and _View Only Users..

Security groups must have a _ in front of the group name to identify them as "group" and not "individual" users.  Groups appear at the top of the list.

     To set the security for each group, click on the group name i.e. _Substitute Teachers so it is highlighted in blue.

     Check the options to which substitutes SHOULD NOT have access.

     Uncheck the options to which substitutes SHOULD have access.

     Save the changes.

Set Up another Security Group

     If you would like to set up another group, simply create a new user with the name starting with  _

     For example add a new user group _SDS. This creates a new security group to which users can be added.

     Another example would be a group for coaches. (i.e. _Coaches)