VIDEO LIBRARY-  consolidation of videos throughout the Help Console.




Withdraw Student: Difference between summer and school year withdrawals:




    Remove Unwanted Years from Transcripts:


This process is used when you have transcript grades from school years that you do not want on transcripts, such as middle school course removed from High School transcripts.  You have the option to inactivate or delete courses.  Inactivating courses will code them in such a way that prevents them from being included on transcripts AND in cumulative GPA, but will remain in the transcript detail table for review.  If you choose to delete, the courses will be removed from the program and no longer show up in the transcript detail. 




    School Calendar Setup:


The calendar setup is necessary before attendance can be entered.  You must create a calendar for every location that you will be tracking attendance and grading/transcripts.  


    Creating Enrollment Records:


Creating enrollment records is done at the beginning of the year, after the calendar has been entered.  Enrollment records are necessary for a variety of areas including attendance analysis reports, weekly attendance collection reports, report card attendance, etc.




    Schedule Changes:


This video will instruct you on how to make changes in existing student schedule as well as adding new courses to a student schedule.  This process is used if a student is changing/dropping a course as well as adding a new course.





    Turning on/off Grade Areas:


During the year, the office has the ability to open up grade areas to teacher web users (i.e. quarter 1, comment, comment) so that teachers have access to posting their gradebook to a specific marking period grade area as well as access to adding/editing in the marking period grade area.  You can also turn off grade areas that you no longer want teachers to have access to. When you close areas to teachers, then any grade changes will need to go through the office.


    Changing to Pass/Incomplete grading in Spring 2020:

In response to COVID 19, some Illinois Schools have asked how to change their gradebook grade charts for Q4 and Final gradebooks to a Pass/Incomplete grade chart.  The video link will explain that process.


Parent Connect:


    Creating Parent Connect Logins:


Creating logins for the parent/student portal, Parent Connect.  This video goes over how to create  up to three logins, such as a login for Parent, Student,. and a 2nd parent  login, Non-custodial Parent. 


Teacher Web

     Gradebook creation (Duration: 14 min.)

     Add/Edit Assignments & Grades (Dur:19:47) 

     Linking Gradebooks (Duration: 5:30) -

     Awarding Extra Credit (Duration 4:49)


    Adding Meal Items to Calendar for Teacher Web:


In teacher web, teachers can take a count of a variety of items.  This is used most often for lunch counts but can be used for inventory of school supplies, homecoming king/queen ballots, or anything else that you need to have a count on.  This video instructs the office staff on how to add items to a particular calendar date so that teachers can take a count that will automatically be sent to the office.