When to Withdraw and Why

Revised 7/27/2018

     Moving away: If a student is moving to another school district (in state or out of state), withdraw the student as of the last day the student was in class at your location.

     Moving to a different school building in your district/corporation: If a student is moving from one school location to another within your program, you must withdraw the student as of the last day he/she was in the original school.  Change the student's school location, homeroom, misc group, and/or percent full time as needed. Note: other fields may also need changed, but these fields are KEY for the student enrollment data and attendance analysis data. Lastly, use the re-enroll process to enroll the student in the new school building as of the first day the student attended classes in that school building.

     Changes grades: If a student gets to jump a grade level during the school year, it is required to withdraw the student, change the student's grade year, then re-enroll the student as of the first day he/she is in the new grade year.  Doing so will record the number of days the student was enrolled in each grade year.

     Changing homerooms: If a student is moving from one teacher's homeroom to another during the school year, it is required to withdraw the student, change the homeroom, then re-enroll the student.  Doing so will record the number of days the student was enrolled in each teacher's classroom.  Note: If there is no need to maintain this type of movement in your school for attendance purposes, then it is not necessary to withdraw the student.  Change the homeroom on the student’s demographic record and then rebuild enrollment records for the student.  For instructions on rebuilding enrollment records,

     Full time to Part time or Vice Versa: If a student is changing from a full-time status to a part-time student status during the school year, it is required to withdraw the student, change the student's value in the percent full time field in the demographics area, then re-enroll the student.  Doing so will allow the student enrollment records to maintain the dates of when the student was full time or part time status.

     Misc Group: Some schools use this field in demographics to distinguish tuition paid students, or students from another district, free/reduced lunch status, or other various reasons. If this field is an important "marker" and the status of the student changes, it is required to withdraw the student, change the value of the misc group field, then re-enroll the student as of the first day of the new situation.  Note: If it is not important to track the number of days a student is enrolled in each of these circumstances, then the withdrawal is not required. Change the Misc Group value on the student’s demographic record and then rebuild enrollment records for the student.  For instructions on rebuilding enrollment records

     It is recommended that a user in your district is setup with no school location restriction and can see all students. This user can easily move students from one location to another prior to the start of the school year.

If it is not important to track the number of days a student was enrolled in a scenario (i.e. grade year, homeroom, etc.), then the withdraw process is not required.  However, if this process is not followed, you might experience attendance monthly report totals for these categories (run at the end of each month) being out of sync with subsequently run term and/or yearly reports.