Wisconsin Student and Completion Data Report


This report is formatted with a header record for the District (“01”) and a sub header record for each school (“02”). We have designed the report to output one school at a time. In order to properly create the header records, entries must be made on the screen as follows.

Screen Field
File ID: Enter the sequence number of this submission, 1 through 9.

District Number: Enter your valid DPI assigned district number.

Report School Year: Enter year 2011 for school year 2010-2011.

Other Values #1: Enter the school location code for this submission.

Other Values #5: Enter the collection number. Values: 1, 2 or 3 based on the semester being reported. 3 is for summer school.

Other Values #6: Enter the semester code for the submission. Values: 1S, 2S, 1T, 2T, 3T, 1Q, 2Q, 3Q, 4Q, A, SM. Refer to DPI tables for descriptions.

Following is a layout and brief explanation, if needed, for each field to be reported. At this time the field matches must not be changed. Please contact SDS if you have a need to use a different field match. Fields in bold type are mandatory and must have a value. The others are optional.

State Field - SDS table - SDS field Mandatory

“03” Record (Course Section)

1. Section_ID - CourseMaster - Course_Sec_Sem Yes
This is the state assigned code and will already be entered in SDS.

2. WSN_ID - Demographics - WSN_StudentID Yes
The Wisconsin state assigned ID for each student.

3. Enroll_Date - Demographics - Entry_Date Yes
Current enrollment date for each student.

4. Grade - Demographics - Grade_Year Yes
Final semester letter grade for this course.

5. Completion_Status - Transcript_Detail Course_Completion_Status No
This is a new field in the SDS Grade Code setup. Valid codes are I, F, P, WD or NA. Check DPI . Assign your SDS grade codes one of these values if it applies.

6. HS_Credit_Earned - Transcript_Detail Credit No
Credit earned this semester for this course.

7. College_Credit_Earned - Transcript_Detail College_Credit_Earned No

If college credit was earned for this course, enter the numeric credit value in this field on the student’s transcript record. Valid values are 0.000 to 10.000.

8. Grade_Earned Yes
As this is not a required field, it is matched to a blank “Other value” box on the screen. If this field is required in the future it will be addressed.

9. PTO_Enroll_District No

This is not a required field. If you would like to report this information, enter the valid code from DPI for your district or ‘NA’ in the “Other value 2” box on the screen.