2020 Touch Base Tuesday Summary


v January 7, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü How to update 2020 tax tables?

ü How to update deductions and benefits master amounts?

ü Employee Master, 2020 W4 date entry

ü 1099’s, month must be in January

ü Group Term Life After Payroll has been Completed

ü W2, 1099 and ACA bundle and courses available on www.sdsuniversity.com

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü Add documents to Employee Portal Attendance requests

ü Human Resources Control Center – Employee attendance import

ü Activity Fund:  Budget Master entry view, defaults to Balance Sheet Accounts

Ø Webinar Recording:  https://recordings.join.me/OYrrtdUxQ0e_lihk7alxKw


v January 21, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü Check Reconciliation Balancing; when should I be posting items?

ü Employee Master,  2020 w4 data entry

ü How to create a 1099 for vendor using General Fund data, with detail listed in Activity Fund?

ü In ACA setup; Can you sill select the Prepare for Tax Year 2019 once you have begun to update employee records?

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü Using Gross Code from the Absent Employee Record

ü New Payroll Comparison Report

ü Illinois:  Quarterly Unemployment Report (TaxNet Layout)

Ø Webinar Recording:  https://recordings.join.me/5Sny60GKf0GQrr7Hpybo1w


v February 11, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü Accessing the SDS News Webpage:

ü How to reverse or delete a Cash Receipt?

ü How to create a payroll report with specific Deduction/Benefits needed.

ü How to delete employees from the Employee Portal?

ü Updating security and locking yourself out

ü If adjusting security settings, take note on open items

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü Colorado & Michigan:  Quarterly Unemployment Report listed by Account

ü Illinois:  Schedule P

Ø Webinar Recording:  https://recordings.join.me/wmmeK3mrfUSYVIRidBYPfQ


v February 25, 2020

Ø Trending Topics

ü How to print a report with Employee Contract balances?

ü Why a substitute is not listed to select from, and their Pay field is “Y”?

ü How to update State Code descriptions?

ü Budget Planning Assistant:  Updating Original Budget or Budget Adjustment

ü Budget Planning Assistant:  How to add Notes to Budget?

ü ACA Electronic upload:  Verify you are using the correct TCC Code

ü Monthly Balancing Tips:  http://help.schooloffice.com/FinanceHelp/#!Documents/monthlybalancingtips.htm

Ø Enhancements and News:

ü Colorado:  CDE 18 20-21 Uniform Budget Summary

Ø Webinar Recording:  https://recordings.join.me/GDTtnAnpA0SR9h0fZDIc4w


v March 10, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü How to set up vendors for direct deposit?

ü How to identify and report Faculty staff?

ü Budget Planning Assistant:  Using the Budget Projecting Fields?

ü Printing Budget reports?

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü SDS University – One Year All Pass 70% Discount

ü Payroll Register (Earnings, Tax, Deductions) report – Grand Total

ü When posting item permanent; Default Check Group selection

Ø Webinar Recording:  https://recordings.join.me/OrlY2LT6xE6O19dsuErK1A


v March 24, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü Verify/update Contact Information when submitting Xconnect

ü How can I set up and complete a future Payroll date?

ü How to run benefits through payroll if the employee does not have a gross pay amount?

ü Budget Planning Assistant:  How to project salaries and expenses remaining from contracts for this fiscal year?

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü SDS University – One Year All Pass 70% Discount

ü Employee Portal:  Additional selection to see new W4 information

ü Colorado Finance Reporting:  Additional selection for Subtotal Definition

Ø Webinar Recording:  https://recordings.join.me/SZptQcKegkifBpaXkW74ag


v April 7, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü Using the Activity/Program/Project Master program:  Finance & Payroll  COVID-19 Cost Related Tracking

ü Financial Reporting:  Charting Reporting

ü Financial Reporting:  How to create a financial report with a specific state code(s)?

ü Financial Reporting:  How to use the “Activate Sort Definition” option?

ü IMRF Reporting

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü Illinois:  TRS Updates Coming Soon

ü SDS University – One Year All Pass 70% Discount

Ø Webinar Recording:  https://recordings.join.me/aT301ikIh0GaR-pnG08Dfw


v April 21, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü Deduction & Benefits:  Using Start and End dates

ü Customizable Reports:  Preset Reports

    How to create a TRS report for year end evaluation?

ü Security:  Update User email address, after Employee Portal has been set up

ü Security:  How to set up Users with the same access?

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü Check Reconciliation:  Adding documentation to statement date

ü SDS University – One Year All Pass 70% Discount

Ø Webinar Recording:  https://recordings.join.me/ByZwk4bT0U2Nivo9UbYl3w


v May 5, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü Creating new Cash Receipt Adjustment entry view

ü What accounts need to be set up to start using a new Fund?

ü How to verify main users email address is correct?

ü How to set up and adjust Employee access to the system?

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü Illinois TRS – Gemini payroll reporting Free getting started online course is available, by vising www.sdsuniversity.com, login/create a login and you will receive the free courses in your login.  Click on the TRS course to access the manual and video.  To print the manual, scroll down to the bottom of the PDF, click on the pink link to print or download.

ü SDS University – One Year All Pass 70% Discount

Ø Webinar Recording:  https://recordings.join.me/JQ_CaSxh50-TUNPw34kClw


v May 19, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü Customizing Menu Tree folders

ü How to unlock a journal entry?

    Does unlocking a journal entry affect Check Reconciliation?

ü How to set up Auditor access for just viewing only?

ü How to restrict users to view specific accounts or employees?

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü Payroll Information on Payday Report screen

ü Illinois TRS – Gemini payroll reporting Free getting started online course is available, by visiting www.sdsuniversity.com , login/create a login and you will receive the free courses in your login. Click on the TRS course to access the manual and video.  To print the manual school down to the bottom of the PDF, click on the pink link to print or download .SDS University – One Year All Pass

Ø Webinar Recording:  http://help.schooloffice.com/financehelp/#!Documents/may192020.htm


v June 9, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü Security – Request & Approval:  How to Setup Requesters & Approvers?

ü Purchase Order Setup:

    Setting up Order for Master

    Settings for Next Year or Current Year

ü Create New Entry View for Prior Invoices to be Labeled with COVID -19

    Adding Activity Code to Journal entries

♦   Adjust Financial Reports to Include All accounts

ü Setting up new Employee Contracts

ü Fiscal Year End Procedures

    Finance & Payroll Fiscal Year End Instructions

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü General Accounting Reports:  New Payroll Ledger Card by Date Range and Account

ü Check List: Activity Data Checklist

ü Gemini TRS News – Click Here to Access our News Page (must enter in the password gosds to access it)

    NEW! Free Live TRS Gemini Webinars with SDS https://schooloffice.com/sdsandtrs/

    Free TRS Gemini Online Course https://www.sdsuniversity.com/p/trs2021

ü Personal Protective Equipment – You can purchase (Masks for ADULTS OR STUDENTS, N95 Masks, KN95 Masks, Cotton Masks, FDA Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Antibacterial Wipes, Medical Gloves and Touchless Thermometer). Prepare for now and the new year by ordering today.  CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE ONLY PDF and ORDER FORM

Ø Webinar Recording:  http://help.schooloffice.com/financehelp/#!Documents/june92020.htm


v June 23, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü Horizontal Entry Views:  How to use; Search, Mass Change, First Field to Edit, Sort By

    Master File Code Entry Options

    Employee Master

ü How to print out an Open Contract Report, with just Activate Contracts?

    How to mass Inactivate paid out Contracts?

ü Where to inactivate employees?

    Delete inactive employee’s user security access

ü Verify Deductions & Benefits percent or amount are correct for the new FY

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü SDS Web Office Settings:  State of Illinois – Activate 2020 Processing Options

    If you have not previously activated this process, it has been tuned on with the update this weekend, as well as the Legacy computation process.  This activation will provide you with the new data elements needed for Gemini and will not affect the payroll distribution. 

Ø Webinar Recording:  https://recordings.join.me/bMYj3apHqEyLSq9Pb7KDLQ


v July 14, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü Deductions/Benefits Master:  How to set up the Maximum amount for Deductions & Benefits?

ü Vendor Master:  What is Remit Vendor Number?

ü Changed Finance Month to July; How to print Financial Reports when using “include All Active Accounts”

ü How to move Working Budget to Current Year

ü Change the PO settings for Current or Next Year Requests

    How to change a PO fiscal year

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü Gemini TRS News – Free TRS Gemini Online Course + Live Webinar Recordings

ü Personal Protective Equipment – You can purchase (Masks for ADULTS OR STUDENTS, N95 Masks, KN95 Masks, Cotton Masks, FDA Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Antibacterial Wipes, Medical Gloves and Touchless Thermometer). Prepare for now and the new year by ordering today.  CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE ONLY PDF and ORDER FORM

Ø Webinar Recording:  https://recordings.join.me/ubwk_SO_okmkJ8yzNyGfmA


v July 28, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü State Reporting:  Verify Dates

    Have you changed Report Fiscal Year?

    How to create a new State Budget Code? (for instance new COVID code)

ü How to set up a Group of multiple reports in Financial Reports?

ü Where to print a Deduction/Benefit master list?

    How to update the Start and End dates?

ü Colorado:  Updated Retirement percentage

ü Illinois:  Creating Annual TRS report for August submittal

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü General Accounting Reports:  New Ledger Interface Report

Ø Webinar Recording:




v August 11, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü How to add new Folder for Remote Website access?

ü How to remove “Fund 0 or Fund 1”?

ü How to enter June Audit entry, after changing to July/August?

ü Compute Payroll messages

Ø Enhancement and News:

ü 2020 941 form,  Version 4 has been updated

ü Employee Portal, Data Change Request – New Request View:  Continuing Education

ü Payroll Setup – New Report:  TRS Calendar Assignment Checklist

ü Gemini TRS News – Click Here to Access our News Page (must enter in the password gosds to access it)

    NEW! Free Live TRS Gemini Webinars with SDS https://schooloffice.com/sdsandtrs/

    Free TRS Gemini Online Course https://www.sdsuniversity.com/p/trs2021

ü Personal Protective Equipment – You can purchase (Masks for ADULTS OR STUDENTS, N95 Masks, KN95 Masks, Cotton Masks, FDA Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Antibacterial Wipes, Medical Gloves and Touchless Thermometer). Prepare for now and the new year by ordering today.  CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE ONLY PDF and ORDER FORM

Ø Webinar Recording:



v August 24, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü GASB 84 – Overview

    How to set up new accounts; Cash, Revenue and Expense

    How to set up new activity code

    How to view Student Activity Reports

ü Site Based Reporting – Overview

    Location codes – need to be set for buildings in district

    Source of Funds – important for Federal Allocation

    Allocation Codes – override if needed

    Site Codes – split your site codes to show designation of money

Ø Enhancements and News:

ð    New School Year Discount 70% Off One Year All Pass for Three Users – Includes all Bundles (Ends Wednesday)

ð    941 Report Update

ð    Michigan New Hire Report

ü Employee Open Contract Report – Date Range option added

ü Financial Report Name:  User Name is listed at bottom of reports

ü Launch Report in New Window option

ü Activate Open a Payroll – Only Active Contracts with balances listed

Ø Webinar Recording:



v September 8, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü FICA Tax Deferral Update

ü 941 Federal Form

ü TRS-403B/Cash in Lieu Setup

ü SDJAB2021 Budget Form Update Version 2

Ø Enhancements and News:

ü Finance Reports-Active Account Selection-Screen Update

ü Journal Entry Transactions-Including Notes on Reports

ü Paid Accounts Payable by Vendor-Report Sort Change

Ø Webinar Recording:



v September 22, 2020

Ø Trending Topics:

ü How to resubmit Employee Direct Deposit vouchers to Employee Portal

ü Where to find the Payroll Projection tool?

ü How to see who has changed information in the program?

ü How to setup Student Activity, with ONE activity code?

Ø Enhancements and News:

ü New 1099-NEC reporting update

ü Financial Reports: Date Range option with Debit and Credit columns

ü W2 and 1099 order forms are online and available CLICK HERE TO ORDER

ü Personal Protective Equipment – You can purchase (Masks for ADULTS OR STUDENTS, N95 Masks, KN95 Masks, Cotton Masks, FDA Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Antibacterial Wipes, Medical Gloves and Touchless Thermometer). Prepare for now and the new year by ordering today.  CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE ONLY PDF and ORDER FORM

Ø Webinar Recording:




v October 13, 2020

ð    Trending Topics:

ð    What reports are used to verify the Accounts Payable account?

ð    What Payroll reports can be used with helping with balancing of payroll liabilities?

ð    How to verify check date vs. expensed date?

ð    How to change activity date for items made permanent?

ð    Enhancements and News:

ð    HRCC:  Awarding Attendance Days Description Updated

ð    Data Change Information, Report Added

ð    Reports Added/ Updated:  Employee Benefit Report, Employee Deduction Report, Board Report, Board Report with Invoices, Open Contract Report and Open Contract Report with Dates, Void Check Register

ð    W2 and 1099 Order Forms are Online and Available Click here to Order Today

ð    Personal Protective Equipment: You can purchase (Masks for ADULTS OR STUDENTS, N95 Masks, KN95 Masks, Cotton Masks, FDA Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Antibacterial Wipes, Medical Gloves and Touchless Thermometer). 

Click here to view the PPE products

Click here to view the Floor Decal products

Click here to Purchase

Ø Webinar Recording:




v October 27, 2020

ð    Trending Topics:

ð    How to find out what Deductions & Benefits are on the payroll, before Computing?

ð    Where to verify District Name?

ð    How to change System default active time?

ð    How to unlock a journal entry that is permanent?

ð    What fields need to be completed for Michigan ORS reporting?

ð    Enhancements and News:

ü Reports added/ updated:  AP Check with Date Comparison

ü User Code & Name listed on Reports when printing

ü W2 and 1099 order forms are online and available

ü Personal Protective Equipment – You can purchase (Masks for ADULTS OR STUDENTS, N95 Masks, KN95 Masks, Cotton Masks, FDA Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Antibacterial Wipes, Medical Gloves and Touchless Thermometer). Prepare for now and the new year by ordering today.  CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE ONLY PDF and ORDER FORM

Ø Webinar Recording: https://recordings.join.me/M105zQN9y0-Mko7maUY5ng


v November 10, 2020

ð    Trending Topics:

ð    Employee Publication Report

ð    Vendor Publication Report

ð    Enhancements and News:

ü Reports added/ updated:  Employee Expense Authorization Report

ü Email to Scondary Address Field – Optens new Processing Options

ü Finance Help Documents – New Updates/Changes

ü W2 and 1099 Order Forms are Online and Available

Webinar Recording: https://recordings.join.me/Cbill1DDoUyq_qiJis_EjQ




v December 8, 2020

ð    Trending Topics:

ð    How to updated Deductions & Benefits Rates for New Year?

ð    What are the Category and Work Locations fields used for?

ð    How to setup a Coded Field?

ð    How to use the Cash Override Change option?

ð    State of Illinois:  How to use the alternative payroll schedules?  http://help.schooloffice.com/financehelp/#!Documents/geminireportingtrspayrollcalendarschedulesetup.htm


ð    Enhancements and News:

ð    NEW eTimesheet and Time Clock courses on SDS University -  Click here to register

ð    W2, 1099 and ACA Bundle and Courses Online (Live Q & A 12/15/2020) -  Click here to register

ð    W2 and 1099 order forms are online and available – Click here to order

ð    Personal Protective Equipment – You can purchase (Masks for ADULTS OR STUDENTS, N95 Masks, KN95 Masks, Cotton Masks, FDA Masks, Hand Sanitizer, Antibacterial Wipes, Medical Gloves and Touchless Thermometer). Prepare for now and the new year by ordering today.  CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE ONLY PDF and ORDER FORM

ð    Webinar Recording: 
