Accounting Status Display

Revised:  4/2021


Utilize this option to check the account status for the financial and payroll systems.

Financial Information
Financial Information includes a summary for the following: cash, accounts payable (expense), purchase orders, cash receipts, journal entries, and accounts receivable, summary of the total revenue and expenses for current month, year to date, budget and budget balance.

Payroll Information
The Payroll Information includes a summary of the following: open/active payroll or indication of no open payroll, total of a current computed payroll, month, quarter, year to date, and fiscal year. This summary will also provide the date of the last closed payroll.


Display Finance Evaluation:  This option is also in the Audit Control Options Area
The “Evaluation Information” process within the system may be run in the event that the data is to be analyzed for blank records, accounts that need to be added, and blank fields that may affect the data output. There are many other items that an evaluation will check within the data. 

Balance Sheet MTD/YTD Grid
This Grid will show Fund Code, Balance Sheet MTD and YTD. These numbers should always be zero or something off in the Fund.

Information Check Area
Informational items shown in this area reflects areas in the system that needs review. The system will give a description of the item to review.