Awarding Attendance Days – How to Utilize the Groups in the Human Resource Control Center

Revised:  5/2021


1.  Close this screen by selecting the “Data Selection definition” option.

2.  Select “Award Attendance Days” option

3.  Once selected, you will see only the employees in the groupthat you designated.



4.  Use one of the methods to award the days of leave to the selected employees:

     Award Attendance Days per Payroll Period:!Documents/awardingattendancedaysawardattendancedaysperpayrollperiod.htm

     Awarding Days at the Beginning of a New Fiscal Year:!Documents/awardingattendancedaysawardingdaysatthebeginningofanewfiscalyear.htm

     Transfer Available Days from Once Type of Attendance Day to Another:!Documents/awardingattendancedaystransferavailabledaysfromonetypeofattendan.htm

     How to Setup and Use the Next Year Awarding Option:!Documents/awardingattendancedayshowtosetupandusethenextyearawardingoption.htm