Budget Master (Basic Fields)

Revised:  4/2021


This area is used to add new a state chart of accounts code, change dimensions and change descriptions on existing accounts. This view will display the ASN Number side by side with the State Account Number.  Depending upon the state you reside in, will determine the fields listed.  Below will walk you through how to add/edit accounts. 


Add new Budget Master Account


1.  Select Master File and Code Entry Options

2.  Select Master File Vertical Data Entry and Changes

3.  Entry Options: Select Budget Master (Basic Fields)



4.  Select Account Type




5.  Select http://help.schooloffice.com/helpconsole/SDSFinanceHelp/images/Plus_Sign.png to add a new record



6.  Enter new Account information


    Account Number:  Account number used in 10-key

    Account Description:  Enter Account Description

    Fund (Dim_01) & (Dim_2 thru Dim_12):  Enter State Codes

    Adopted Operating Budget:  Enter Current Budget

    Adjustments to Curr Budget:  Enter Adjustments to Current Budget

    Next Yrs Budget Proposed:  Enter Next Years Budget Proposed

    Next Yrs Budget Approved:  Enter Next Years Budget Approved

    Next Yrs Budget:  Enter Next Years Budget

    Next Yrs. Adjustments to Budget:  Enter Next Years Adjustments

    Over Budget Warning Percent:  Enter percentage for over budget warning

    Admin Group:  Assign Security Admin Group, if needed

    Account Status:  “A” Active, “I” Inactive

    Employee Payment Reason (Illinois only):  Used for Gemini reporting

7.  Select Save


Edit account information


1.  Select account number

2.  Make needed account changes



3.  Select Save


Sorting Accounts 

    Account Type:  Select Expense, Revenue or Balance Sheet accounts.  The default view for this is Expense Accounts.



    Select Data in: Allows you to filter any of the account fields.



    Value is: Allows you to select a value in any field you have chosen in the Select Data in field.



    Show Inactive Accounts:  If selected, Inactive Accounts will be included in the display.



    Find Account_Number:  Key in part or all of the account number.

Select the binoculars or hit enter, to preview.




    Find Account_Description:  Key in the description in the Find Account Description box. All instances of the description will display.



    Find Account_Dimension:  Select Dim_xx

Value Is: Select dimension number.  All accounts within that dimension will appear on the left side of the screen.