Clone Payroll Settings when Opening a New Payroll

Revised:  4/2021


This option will be useful for cloning Default Hrs. or Category Hrs. as entered for Retirement reporting. (This may be used if Retirement Hours are not recorded on contracts)



1.  Select a payroll date that has been closed that has the settings in Default Hrs., Cat X Hrs. that will be needed for the new payroll being opened

2.  The figures in the Hrs Fields will be populated as entered during the payroll date selected in Step 1

3.  Verify that these figures are accurate

4.  Select the Payroll Date from the calendar to reflect the new payroll date

5.  Select to Record the New payroll date and the default/category hours will be automatically recorded with the new payroll date


Edit Gross Pay Type codes

1.  Select “Edit” to change the name of Gross Pay Type codes



2.  Update the selection description

3.  Select Save Changes



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