Customer Master

Revised:  4/2021


The Customer Master stores and maintains data on Customers that are available to use in the Accounts Receivable billing process.  In this area you will be able to add new customers and change addresses on existing customers.


Add a new Customer


1.  Select Master File and Code Entry Options

2.  Select Master File Vertical Data Entry and Changes

3.  Entry Options:  Select Customer Master



4.  Select to add a new record

5.  Update fields



    Customer Number:  Customer Number will be auto assigned as you enter new Customers

    Company Name:  Enter Company Name, if needed

    Contact First Name:  Enter Contact First Name

    Contact Last Name:  Enter Contact Last Name

    Address Line1:  Enter Address

    Address Line 2:  Enter Additional Address, if needed

    City:  Enter City

    State:  Enter State

    Zip Code:  Enter Zip Code

    Phone Number:  Enter Phone Number

    Extension:  Enter Extension, if needed

    Fax Number:  Enter Fax Number

    Email Address:  Enter email Address

    Active YN:  Y” for Active, “N” for Inactive



Edit a Customer

1.  Select Customer Master

2.  Update Customer fields



3.  Select Save