Entry Type:  Transaction Entry Journal Source Definitions

Revised:  5/2021


These following journal source items are used when completing Transaction Entries.


    AJ (Adjusting Journal) and JE (Journal Entry) enter amounts as debits and credits to adjust the amounts on accounts.

    BA Budget Adjustment journal sources provides a vehicle to make a change to an accounts budget. The entry does not need to be a balanced journal entry in that it may be adjusting a single account. When the entry is made the amount will post to the Adjustments_to_Curr_Budget field. The entry will show in the detail for the account.

    BT Budget Transfer journal sources provides a vehicle to move budget money from one account to another. The entry must be in balance. When entered, the amount will post to the Adjustments_to_Curr_Budget field. When the transaction is made permanent or when an YTD reset is performed the amount will also be posted to the field Current_Year_Budget_Transfers. The entry will show in the detail for the account.

    Two options are available to control the behavior of the BT journal source.  To set these options, select Administrative Utilities/SDS Web Office Settings/Finance/BT Journal Source Behavior

1.  Setting “AT” - Monies are moved from one account to another and show up in the Adjustments_to_Curr_Budget for each account which will inturn affect the overall budget. When the transaction is made permanent or when an YTD reset is performed the amount will also be posted to the field Current_Year_Budget_Transfers. The entry will show in the detail for the account.

2.  Setting “T” - Transaction will post a transfer only to the Current_Year_Budget Transfer column but will not affect the budget amount. 

a.  “AT”= Post to both Adjustments_to_Curr_Budget and Current_Year_Budget_Transfers.

b.  “T” = Post only to Current_Year_Budget_Transfers.

c.  Make your selection, AT or T. Scroll back to the top of the screen and push the save button.

d.  From the Menu Tree select General Ledger Processing and Entry| Ledger Transaction Entry and Changes.

e.  Select your Journal Source, BT. Enter amounts as debits and credits.

     CF Cross Fund journal source provides an option for entering a journal entry where the debit and credit entries are from different funds.  Note:  Cross Fund Entries should be used with the direction of your auditor as this type of entry may cause these funds to be out of balance.


These following journal source items are used upon Automated System Entries.


     AP (Accounts Payable) - Amounts posted to various accounts, which are determined by the ledger interface setup, when A/P entries are made permanent.

     BF (Balance Forward) - System created Balance Forward items when the Finance Fiscal Year is closed. This journal source can also be used to adjust balance forward amounts once the Fiscal Year is closed.

     CR (Cash Receipt) - Amounts posted to various accounts, which are determined by the ledger interface setup, when Cash Receipt entries are made permanent.

     PR (Payroll) - Amounts posted to various accounts when the Payroll transactions are posted transferred and then made permanent to the general ledger.

     XA (Accrual Entry) - Amounts posted to various accounts for manual Payroll Accrual entries.

     XR (Reverse Accrual Entry) - Offsetting amounts posted to the Recurring transaction area when manual Payroll Accruals are posted