February 21st, 2023

ð    Looking Forward:

ð Touch Base Tuesday- March 7th 9-10AM CST

ð Touch Base Tuesday-March 21st

ð Gemini Q & A- March 14th 9-10 AM CST

ð Reminder: For electronic payments to SDS or Linq EMS, please use vendor email fo receivables@linq.com for E-receipt. 

ð    Enhancements and News

ð    TRS Reporting – The program will now report earnings for ML Payment Reason. A new field was added to the employee leave table and add/change employee program for this purpose..

ð    AP Check/Voucher Printing – Adjusted the program so new imports will not be available to print until they have been posted

ð    Trending Topics

ð    Quick View Reporting- Ad Hoc Reporting

Identify Fields/Tables to be used

Locate General Report to be used as base

Creating Report

Sharing with others

ð    Third-Party Exports/Automated Data Transfer

Create report/record selection for data to be exported.

Create the report.

Creating the file to allow third-party to export.



TBT Webinar: https://recordings.join.me/7pB4RKRIXEKA1KAHX6B8PA