January 11, 2022

ð    Looking Forward:

ð   Events

ð January 12th 1095 ACA Live Q & A. 9-10 AM

ð January  17th: Linq office will be closed in observance of MLK Jr. Birthday.

ð Next TBT is January 25th.

ð   Enhancements and News

ð 1099 forms have been updated/ready to print.


ð   Trending Topics

ð Setting up Grant Reports, the easy way through Financial Reporting

ð How to quickly check Payroll Calculation through Look and Browse

ð January Checklist

ð    Verify 2022 tax tables are in place BEFORE processing first payroll of the new year.  (IL, IA, WI and others have made changes to their state’s tax tables)

ð    If you are in a different state that has made changes to the 2022 tax table, let us know so that it can be added.

ð Do not submit the ACA files yet.  The IRS is not ready  Electronic files due March 31.

ð Update Deduction/Benefit amounts and percentages.(ex. IMRF)

ð Update Employees with W-4 changes

ð Continue with 1099/W2/ACA processing

ð Attend Live ACA webinar, Jan 12th 9AM, with SDS Univ. Purchase.


ð    State of Illinois Gemini TBT Tip:

ð  SSP Intro: Savings Supplemental Plan

Webinar Recording: https://recordings.join.me/mYDzvJaSXUSaMMjC9aIe0w