January 25, 2022

ð    Looking Forward:

ð Gemini Q & A (Illinois Clients) February 1st 9-10 cst

ð Next Touch Base Tuesday is February 8th .

ð   Enhancements and News

ð 1099 NEC and 1095’s

ð Weekly Emails:  Are you receiving yours?

ð    If not, check your spam or junk folders

ð    Anyone who is signed up for X-connect should receive the Weekly News Email.  It is full of important information!

ð    Sent out each Tuesday


ð   Trending Topics

ð IMRF Reporting: For IL Clients, we are aware of the 2022 reporting changes. We anticipate, at this time, minimal changes.

ð ACA- The ABC’s of the ACA. Some basic information on getting the forms filled in.  We will go over  some common xconnect questions and have limited time for questions.

ð Colorado Staff Interchange Report- Review of tables, fields, and codes used.


ð    State of Illinois Gemini TBT Tip:

ð  TRS SSP Reporting: Deduction/Benefit Master Screen Updates

ð    All SDS Clients, regardless of state, will see the following fields.  They are only used by IL clients (at this time)

ð    Maximum to Withhold Group (far right of screen)

ð    Contribution Category-in the center column of the screen.

Webinar Recording: https://recordings.join.me/FWMhZ9jZ30Gy2gM2gc0fbA