Local Tax Table

Revised:  10/2020


Tax tables and information used in computing payroll. These tables reflect your local income tax rate, if applicable and are maintained by the client. There is not automated update for the Local Tax Table, this must be manually updated, as needed.

Adjusting Local Tax Table:

1.  Select Master File and Code Entry Options

2.  Select Master File Data Vertical Entry and Changes

3.  Entry Options, Local Tax Table



4.  Select http://help.schooloffice.com/helpconsole/SDSFinanceHelp/images/Plus_Sign.png to add



5.  Enter new Information

    Deduct Code:  Enter Code

    Description:  Enter Description of new Code

    Earnings Over:  Enter amount

    Earnings Not Over:  Enter amount

    Tax to Base:  Enter 0.00

    Percent of Excess:  Enter percent

    Annual Dependen Deduction:  Enter amount

    Max Taxable Earnings:  Enter 99999.99

    Liability Classification:  Enter Liability Code

    Vendor Number:  Enter Vendor Number from Vendor Master table

    Vendor Name:  Enter Vendor Name

    Address line 1-3:  Enter Vendor Address

6.  Select Save