Login and Navigate the system with Folders

Revised:  4/2021


To use the Folders view, you may need to change your URL or web address to see the Menu Top option.


If your current web address is something like this:  https://ssl12./sdsschooloffice.com/schoolname/sdsweboffice


You will need to add at the end of your URL: login.aspx.




Once you have logged into the system, you will see the Folders Menu System.




NOTE:  If you do not wish to use the Folders Menu System, select the top menu drop down selection for application needed.  Once you select a Menu application, the Folders Menu System will be replaced with selected Menu Application.



1.  Select a Menu Application Folder

a.  The selected Application folder icon working in will be shown as an open folder.



b.  The Question Mark Icon to the left of each Folder or Program Option is a quick reference  link to the Finance Help Documentation for that particular area. 



c.  There is a option to remove the quick reference option to the individual areas by de-selecting the check box to the right of the  Purchasing   Application folder.  Checking the box will reactivate the quick reference by area



2.  Select a Program option



3.  Use “” icon to return to all Menu Options


Customizing the Folders and Programs 

To customize folders and program to fit your individual needs

1.  Select the “” setting icon, located on the right side of the folders



2.  A Customizable selection will open on the left of folders

a.  Customize Folders

i. Change:  Change Folder Name, Move/Change Folder display order, Remove Folder from the selection choices

ii. Add:  Adding a new Folder for use

b.  Customize Programs

i. Change:  Change Program Name, Move/Change Program display order, Remove Program from the selection choices

ii. Add:  Adding a new Program for use

c.  Other Customization Options

i. Select a new color schema for your display view

d.  Reset All Folders and Programs values


Customize Folders



Change Folder Name

1.  Enter in the name you wish to have displayed



2.  Select the  icon to save your changes

3.  Select “Done” when completed with customizing the folders


Note:  If you change a folder name, it is only for that one reference to the process.  If the program is also being run from another location, the original folder name would be used.


Move/Change folder display order

1.  Select the folder to work with

2.  Use the  to move the order of the folders



3.  Select “Done” when customization of the folders is complete


Remove Folder

1.  Select the folder to remove

2.  Select the  icon to remove the folder



3.  The folder is no longer available for selection



4.  Select “Done” when completed with customizing the folders


Select an area to add as a new folder

1.  In the drop down list, enter the area to add to your folder selection

2.  Use the  to add the new folder



3.  Once you have added the new folder, you have an option to Share the folder with other users.


a.  If you wish to share the folder, select



b.  The new folder added will be available for others to view



Customize Programs






Change Program Name

1.  Enter in the Program name to be displayed



2.  Select the  icon to save your changes



3.  Select “Done” when customization of the folders is complete


Note:  If you change a program name, it is only for that one reference to the process.  If the program is also being run from another location, the original folder name would be used.


Move/Change Program display order

1.  Select the program



2.  Use the  to re-arrange the order of the program folders



3.  Select “Done” when completed with customizing the folders.


Remove Program

1.  Select program to remove

2.  Select the  icon to remove program selection



3.  The program is no longer available for selection



4.  Select “Done” when completed with customizing the folders


Add a Folder of Program options

1.  In the drop down list, select the area to add to your program selection

2.  Use the  to add the new option





Other Customization Options

1.  Select the color schema you wish to use for your folders view



2.  Once you have chosen a color, select  for the new color to take effect



Reset All Folders and Programs Values

1.  Use the  to Reset all the folders and programs to the default system views.