Look and Browse Overview

Revised:  4/2021


This area is view only, making it perfect for restricting users you only want to have viewing data and not entering/processing data. Look and Browse contains five views to browse different areas of the system. 


The five standard areas are:

    Financial Look and Browse;  This area includes Account Activity, Vendor Activity and Customer/Accounts Receivable information

    Accounts:  The Accounts area of Finance Look and Browse allows users to sort and filter accounts. Narrow your search by Dimension(s), for quick viewing. Use different options for viewing selected account(s) detail, accounts payable, purchase order, cash receipts, journal entries, documents, contract, payroll, and account receivable invoice detail related to the account. This area also allows users to print various Reports for reference with Current or Historical data and Export account information to excel.

    Vendors:  The Vendors area of Finance Look and Browse allows users to search for vendors with current year accounts payable, vendors with open accounts payable, open purchase orders, etc. Section buttons make viewing selected vendor(s) detail, accounts payable, purchase orders and documents related to the vendor. Users can also print Vendor Detail Activity (Data Range) Report for reference.

    Customers:  The Customers (Accounts Receivable) area of Finance Look and Browse allows users to search for customers, customers with current year accounts receivable, customers with open accounts receivable, etc. Use the section buttons for viewing selected customer(s) detail, cash receipts, documents and AR Invoices for customers. Users can also print Accounts Receivable reports and cash receipts Reports for reference.

    Employee Information

    Employee Information:  The Employee Information area of Look and Browse allows you to search for an employee, sort employee status (active/inactive) or on any of the employee demographic fields (i.e. FICA Yes or No, Retirement TIN). Users can view employee attendance, certificates/permits, contract balance, degree, detail payroll information, detail payroll information (prior years), direct deposit, gross pay detail, payroll registers/checks, year to date, attendance and documents. Users can also print an Employee Detail Report or Employee data change request directly from the screen.

    Job Applicant Information

    Job Applicant Information:  The Job Applicant Information area of Look and Browse has the same sorting options as employee’s information. You can search for the job applicant, active/inactive applicants and by any of the applicant data fields. Users can setup their own custom view of tabs to view certificate, degree, position information and documents (i.e. resume). From the screen you can also run a detail report for the applicant.

    Accounting Status Display

    Accounting Status Display:  This screen is to check account statuses for your financial and payroll accounts. Financial account status examples at a high summary level: amount/count of cash, accounts payable, purchase orders, cash receipts, miscellaneous journal entries, account receivable, account master totals, financial accounting close. Payroll account status examples: open and computed payroll, month, quarter, year to date, and fiscal year. On the same screen you can evaluate your funds by balance sheet MTD and YTD. To finalize this informative screen it also shows you when areas were last posted.

    Message Center

    Message Center:  The Messaging Center provides a secure means to communicate with your staff. It gives you the ability to send messages with attached documents to staff members (i.e. Board Reports, Direct Deposits, Resumes, Reviews, Grants, SDS Report etc.). This program is ALL SDS and does not rely on an email program. An "Alert Message Bar" automatically appears in the system when a message is ready to be read by the recipient. After the message is handled, the alert is removed automatically.


Security can be set based on the user’s building, accounts etc. Date driven reports can be printed and many sorting options are available (i.e. Account Dimension Filter) for the specific area of Look and Browse you are viewing. Below are brief descriptions on each section.