Moving Checks to the Correct Check Reconciliation Group

Revised: 6/2021


If a check, deposit, or journal entry has been posted to the wrong check group, this feature allows you to move the item to the correct check group.


1.  Select the option to “Move from one group to another.”



2.  Select the drop down under the “Move to Group” column.  Select the check reconciliation group to which the items belong.   If the group is not in the list, you can enter in a new check reconciliation group in the box under the column “New Group Description.”


3.  Select the items to move.  The items can be selected individually, by checking them all or by selecting a range that needs to be moved.  Once the items have been checked, select the “Moved Selected Checks” button.



4.  Once the items have moved, select the close button.  This will return you to the check reconciliation display.