Payday Reports

Revised:  4/2021


Listed below, are the main payroll reports with a description to help you better understand them. You have the option to choose the Active Payroll or All Payroll Dates. If you select All Payroll Dates, you can then choose which payroll date you would like to run the report for. The reports in bold will be the only ones that can be run. Other reports that are grayed out are dependent on payroll calculations.

Payroll Information:  A summary of basic payroll information.


Payroll Register (Detail): Gross to net computation per employee along with basic demographic information. Each code is listed with the amount for the current payroll and calendar year to date under it. The “Deductions” column is a total of all deductions minus taxes.

Payroll Summary: A list of each code with accumulative payroll amounts for each payroll period. This report needs to be checked very carefully to make sure the totals are correct.

Payroll Distribution: The total of all expenses (salaries and benefits), by account and fund which are posted for the current payroll.

Payroll Liabilities: A list of all payroll invoices, by vendor that will be transferred to accounts payable when the payroll is closed. Take note that the description also references the deduction/benefit codes that the payment is generated from.

Payroll Transaction: This report is the actual journal entry that hits the general ledger to record the payroll on the accounting side. The report is totaled by fund and includes all benefit and deduction accounts incorporated in the payroll. You will also see the deduction/benefit codes in which the figures are generated from.

Payroll Transaction Summary: Reporting the transactions by code description, account and then by fund in a summarized format. Each fund should come out to be zero.

Payroll Account Creation Report: Should be reviewed every payroll to verify accounts that may have been added. This report also contains new accounts added to the chart of accounts the day it was ran.

Gross Pay by Employee: Alpha list by employee pulling the time card entries h is easily done by using the parameter settings

Gross Pay by Account: Numeric order by account followed by an alpha employee list per account. This report offers parameter settings to pull only information you want to see.

Gross Pay by Indicator: Gross code indicator order by account followed by an alpha employee list per gross code. This report offers parameter settings to pull only information you want to see.

Payroll Register: Employee’s name, number, and gross to net is reported.

Payroll Distribution (by Employee): List employees in alpha order then reports each payroll and the expense accounts hit by each employee for gross pay and benefits.

Payroll Distribution (by Account): Reporting first by account number order, you will see payroll dates accumulate in alpha order by employee reporting gross pay accounts, followed by the expense accounts hit due to the benefits computed from that salary accounts.

Deduction Registers: This report lists each deduction and benefit which is used in the computation of payroll from the Deduction/Benefit Master. The Vendor name and code are at the top along with the name and address of the Vendor. This report lists the Employee Number, Employee Name and Amount and gives a grand total for each deduction/benefit.

Tax Registers: Reports Federal, State and Fica tax table breakdowns by code and lists each employee and their amounts.

Direct Deposit Report: This will list alphabetically by employee name, Bank Routing number, Account number, Type Code and Direct Deposit amount for payroll date requested.

Re-Print Direct Deposit Vouchers: When selected, the system will bring up all the Direct Deposit Vouchers from the previous closed payroll enabling you to re-print and send to Message Center.

Employee Check Register: Lists employees alphabetically by check or direct deposit. Direct deposit column total needs to balance to the Direct Deposit Report total.

Re-Print File Copy Payroll Checks: The file copy check is similar to the Voucher in that it is marked void. When selected, it will print all payroll checks for the date selected. If only one of the checks is desired then print only the page with the employees check needed. If you have a signature it will not print. This prints the standard SDS bottom stub check, not custom or top. These are intended as “File Copies” and not negotiable checks.

Voucher Register by Bank: This report is pulled by what is entered in the “direct deposit” field in the employee demographic area. IF a break down by bank is needed a different code for each bank will be entered in this field so it can be grouped by bank. If this field is left blank then this report will not be needed. This report will display employee name, direct deposit voucher number and net amount.

Employee Gross Pay by Account: Report showing the gross wages for a given payroll sorted by employee. This report enables you to pull all entries or separate them out by filling out the parameters before you print the report.

Gross Pay Summary by Account: Report showing the gross wages for a given payroll sorted by account. This report enables you to pull all entries or separate them out by filling out the parameters for the report.

Payroll Summary Detail: This report is broken down by code and then each employee’s amount that is accumulated into the total per period.

Void Payroll Register (Detail): After you have voided a payroll, this report will show the voided Gross to net computation per employee voided along with the basic demographic information.

Void Employee Check Register: After you have voided a payroll, this report will list the voided check by employee name and then by check or direct deposit