Quick Pay Adjustments

Revised:  4/2021


This is an option that has many different selections to allow you to select and edit your time cards as quickly as possible. You can clone (copy) manual time cards from previous payrolls and quickly make adjustments to the hours and rates of pay. If the Account One (Two, etc.), Rate One (Two, etc.), area is utilized in the Employee Master, you can quickly select employees to pay from these groups. You can edit all the time cards selected for the current payroll in the easy to use horizontal grid with one save, saving you time. You cannot change account numbers on this screen.   Also please note if no description and no attendance code is specified it will use the account description for the time card description when imported

1.  Select Payroll Processing

2.  Select Activate Open a Payroll

3.  In addition to the normal payroll process and Contract Selection Option:

Select the Hourly Time Card Cloning Option.

Select the Gross Pay Codes to Process.

From the drop down, select the previous Payroll Date to clone (copy) the time cards from.

Activate/Open the payroll.

From the Menu Tree, select Quick Pay Adjustments. There are different selection options to choose from:

§ The cloned Hourly time card is the default selected. This selection will show Cloned time cards only.

§ Manual Entries, when selected will display the manual time cards for the current payroll.

§ Cloned and Manual will show both sets of time cards.

§ Who’s Not Paid or Who Can Be Paid, when selected, will display another group of options.

§ Employee Master Area1 (Area 2, etc) will display all employees with an account number, rate or hours in the Employee Master Area 1 (Area 2, etc.)

§ Last Month will display all manual time cards from last month.

§ Last Two Months will display all manual time cards from the last two months.

4.  Complete adjustments needed to the rates or hours on the time cards.

5.  To delete a time card from the current payroll remove the check mark under the Pay? column.

6.  When completed with adjustments, select the Save button. All changes will appear in the Manual Pay Entries and Adjustments screen. If further edits are needed, completed this in the Manual Pay Entries and Adjustments.