State Codes (Fund, Function, Object)

Revised:  10/2020


The State Codes (Fund, Function, Object), is the structure that is used to setup accounts.  Each state has a unique set of accounting codes that need to be used for the public schools.  Therefore, this area is very specific to your state’s definitions.  As the state makes changes to the code setup, you will be able to make modifications to the codes, add new codes, and delete ones that are no longer used. The setup for each state is installed when you receive your system.


For private schools, you can setup your own codes or use the ones that have been designed by the state.


Adding a new State Code

1.  Master File and Code Entry Options

2.  Master File Vertical Data Entry and Changes

3.  Entry Options:  Select State Codes (Fund, Function, Object)



4.  Value is: Select State Value Code  Depending upon the state you reside in, will determine what is listed in the dropdown selection.



5.  Select Add a Record



6.  Enter State Code information

    State Code Type:  Prefilled by program

    State Code:  Enter State Code

    Required Summary:  Prefilled by program with 1.  All State codes must have a “1”.  (This flows with Financial Reporting | Subtotal Definition Total based upon selection.  See below link for more information:!Documents/financialreports2.htm

    Description:  Enter State Code Description

7.  Select Save

