To use the Clone/copy option with another employee:

 1 New Employee Options (optional):

1.   Select an employee, from the field ‘Select Employee to Clone” drop down list to use the cloning option. This should be an employee close to the type of employee you are adding.

There are 3 different options that you can select during the clone process:

     Check mark to “Include Contract(s) from cloned employees.

     Check mark to Activate Contract and Salary Schedule Pro Rating option.

     Include Position(s) from cloned employee.

2.  Complete the information displayed in the area below the heading “Contract Information” for # of pays for the contract and New Empl Salary.

3.  The dates, Pays, Lane, Step, and New Employee Salary will be recorded from the information entered in the Contract Information area. Account numbers and other information required for a complete contract will be transferred from the “Cloned” employee’s contract. If the cloned employee has multiple contracts, the contract with the most current contract start date will be adjusted with the entered information. Other contracts will be transferred unchanged from the “Cloned” employee’s contract area. Once this is saved, you need to consider each of the main areas: Deductions, Benefits, Contracts and add or adjust as needed.


2 - Basic New Employee Information (mandatory for all new employee entry):

     Enter the new employee’s name, address, city, state, zip.

     Select Get Next ID#.

3- Save New Employee 

Close New Employee Options – select Close.


 Complete all the information for the new employee. 

Two ways to select the areas to fill in:

     Check mark Select All to ensure not to miss important information.

     You may also individually check mark which areas to work with for this new employee.



For more information on completing each section, see below link:!Documents/addchangeemployeeinformation.htm


Once you have completed each section in the employee master, select Save.  You will receive a time stamp of the save.



Note:  The fields highlighted are the required fields for State reporting.  You can adjust the brightness of the highlighted field by selecting “Reports and Options” and selecting “Required Field Highlight”, then select “Light Background” or “Bright Background”