Tracking Time on a Weekly Basis

Tracking hours and time on a weekly basis can provide valuable information for analysis and reporting.  Both timecard and contract entry can be tracked on an hourly basis for a complete tracking of employee hours.

Tracking of Hours for Timecard Entry

1.  Activate the following options under SDS Web Office Settings:

1.  Select Administrative Utilities/SDS Web Office Settings

2.  Under the “Payroll Section 1” Heading, activate the following:

§ Activate Blended Rate Overtime Option. Select Y

§ The First Day of the Work Week: Select the first day of the work week (Sunday could be used as a default—the system will use this setting to allow for entry of time for the specific week it was worked)

§ Select “Save Changes” at the top or bottom of the screen to Save the Settings

§ Exit the Finance System and re-enter to see the new settings.


2.  Timecard Entry

1.  Enter Manual Time Entry through Payroll Processing/Gross Pay Entry and Adjustments

2.  Select Payroll Processing

3.  Select Gross Pay Entry and Adjustments


4.  Select the Correct date on “Payroll Due”

5.  Check the box for “Time by Week”

6.  Verify the First and Last Work Day of the payroll are correct.

7.  Enter One timecard for the hours worked each week of the pay period

8.  Select “Enter for OT Week Starting”. This will display the starting date for each week included in the payroll.

9.  Select the payroll week and enter a timecard for the hours worked during that week.

10. Enter a timecard for each payroll week of the payroll in which the employee worked.
NOTE: If a week falls in two different pay cycles, then a timecard would need to be entered for the portion of the week that falls within each payroll date.

3.  Tracking of Hours for Contract Entries

1.  Contract Setup

§ For tracking of hours for contract payment, enter the following:

1.  Select each employee that is paid through a contract

2.  Select the field “Retirement_Hrs_Days

3.  Enter the total number of hours the contract represents

4.   Save the Contract

5.  The reports will display the number of hours representative of the pay range selected.

2.  Hourly Reporting
For reporting of both timecard and contract hours by a selected date range, the following report offers options for date ranges, the type of dates, and the type of report.

§ Select Report Folder

§ Select General Accounting Reports

§ Select Payroll and Human Resources

§ Select Hours Worked in a Work Week (ACA)

§ Select to Preview the Report

§ Select the type of report: Summary or detail

§ Select the Date Type to be reported: Payroll Date, Work Starting Date, Work Date

§ Select the Date Range to be reported

§ Select the Number of Hours in order for an employee to appear on the report (ex: >= number of hours)

§ Select “Ok” to preview the report

We currently have a way to track hours for salaried employees if they are being paid from a contract.

In the Contract Record for each individual, there is a field called “Retirement Hrs Days”. In this field, you can record the total hours the contract represents.

After entry of that figure and paying on the contract on the next payroll (including computing net pay on that payroll), the hours for that pay would then show on the Hourly Report on the Payroll Customizable Reporting or in the Hours Worked During a Work Week (ACA) Report.